Thirty Seven

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Queenie: Madison, you have a surprisingly good taste in fashion, like damnnn.
Madison: Of course I do.
Madison: I'm not spending all this time in the closet for nothing.


Cordelia: Is that a hickey??
Zoe: No?
Zoe: It's a mosquito bite.
Queenie: *whispers* yeah sure...
Madison: [walks into room] Hey guys.
Cordelia and Queenie: Hey mosquito!


The Countess: We need your help.
John: Great. Who are we killing?
John: I won't do kids, that's a rule...
John: But that rule is negotiable if the kid's a dick.


[Zoe and Madison are babysitting a kid and Madison is driving]
Kid: Fuck.
Zoe: *gasps and looks at him* Where did you learn that word?
Kid: From Maddie.
Zoe: [looks over at Madison]
Madison: That's not true babe, I never curse in front of kids.
[Five minutes later]
Madison: Oh fucking hell, can he drive any slower?!
Zoe: ... Mads, I think you should overthink what you just said five minutes ago


Queenie: MISTY! Why did you eat my sandwich?!
Misty: I DIDN'T!
Queenie: YES YOU DID! I saw you looking at it like it's the love of your life when I was making it!
Misty: Well yes... BUT I DIDN'T EAT IT!
Queenie: Yeah, yeah keep lying. Cordelia deserves to know what a monster she's married to!
Zoe: [whispering to Madison] Are we going to tell her that it was us who ate her sandwich?
Madison: [flicking through her magazine] Nah, I'm good. I would prefer not to die for the third time.

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