Seventy Four

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Cordelia: Madison, I told you this morning. No flirting with Zoe at the dinner table.
Madison: You said no flirting with Zoe at the breakfast table.


Lana: Close your eyes.
Thredson: [closing his eyes] Okay.
Lana: What do you see?
Thredson: Nothing.
Lana: That's what you mean to me.


Madison: Ugh, this date is so boring.
Zoe: This isn't a date. I just said I was going to the grocery store.
Madison: Then why did you invite me??
Zoe: I didn't. I specifically said "You don't need to come with me." And you said "Fuck you, Zoe. I do what I want." And then followed me.


Dandy: If you like me, raise your hand!
Jimmy: What if we don't like you?
Dandy: Then raise your standards.


Zoe: So... this is it, huh?
Madison: Yeah... I guess it is.
Zoe: Maybe we can still be fr-
Queenie: Omfg, tell me y'all seriously didn't just break up because you wanted different pizza toppings.

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