Fifty Three

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Madison: I love you so much
Zoe: Aw, I love you too.
Zoe: Wait, you're talking to your new sunglasses aren't you?
Madison: ... I can love two things.


[Dandy, Bette and Dot studying together]
Dandy: Oh, this is so fun.
Bette: [smiles at him]
Dot: ...Dandy, I'm buying you a dictionary for Christmas.
Dandy: What why?
Dot: Because I'm not sure you know what the definition of fun is.


Cordelia: Madison, can you help me ask out Misty?
Madison: Sure.
Madison: [writes something down] Read this to her and I guarantee you she'll say yes.
Cordelia: Okay...
Misty: Miss Cordelia, what did you want to talk about?
Cordelia: [smiles and reads the paper out loud] "Misty, I'm 50 shades of gay for you."
Misty: [gives confused look]...
Cordelia: ... I-
Cordelia: Madison!!!


Mary Eunice: Who's turn is to give the daily pep talk?
Lana: [sighs] ... Sister Jude.
Jude: [clears throat and stands up] ... fuck shit up out there and don't die.
Kit: [claps and wipes tear] Inspirational.


Madison: Hey Zoe, your boobs look heavy. Can I hold them for you?
Zoe: ...
Zoe: I'd threaten to choke you but knowing how kinky you are, you'd probably like that.

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