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[Zoe and Madison buying a house for the coven]
Agent: I think you guys would very happy here  together.
Zoe: No, no, no, no, no, no. No, we're not together. We're not a couple, we're definitely not a couple!
Madison: [arms crossed] You seem pretty insulted by that. What? I'm not good enough for you?
Zoe: We're not having this conversation, again!


Jimmy: So how do I let Maggie know that I like her?
Bette: Just go up to her and say you're beautiful.
Jimmy: Hey Maggie. I'm beautiful.
Maggie: ...


Michael: I like boys.
Gallant: I like boys.
Bubbles: Does anyone in this room like girls??
Madison: I do.


Lana: You're going to be a father.
Thredson: I'm pregnant?
Lana: NO, I'm pregnant!
Thredson: Oh my god, you're pregnant too??


Zoe: I'll go with you.
Madison: No, I can't risk someone I love and care about getting hurt.
Mallory: I'll go.
Madison: Okay.

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