Sixty Six

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Zoe: Please, can you-
Madison: Whatever it is that you need my protection with, I will be by your side and support you, until my last dying breath.
Zoe: ...
Zoe: I just wanted you to pass me the salt.


Ally: What have I told you about comparing Kai to devil?
Winter: That it's offensive to the devil.


Madison: I don't want to be Zoe's girlfriend!
Queenie: Well, what do you want, then?
Madison: I don't know! I just want to be with her. All the time.
Madison: I want to hear about about her day and tell her about mine.
Madison: I want to hold her hand and smell her hair.
Madison: But I don't want to be her stupid girlfriend!
Queenie: I-


Sally: I'm going to get myself a glass of wine.
Sally: [chugs vodka straight from the bottle]
John: That's not wine.
Iris: And that's definitely not a glass.


Madison: Hey babe, so I bought that flight you were worried about.
Zoe: Oh thank god, I was really worried I wouldn't get a ticket.
Madison: A ticket?
Zoe: Yeah, a plane ticket...
Zoe: Don't tell me you bought the actual plane?!
Madison: Of course I didn't buy the plane... i bought the whole airline.

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