Zoe: You have heart murmur. You're personal hell was working at a superstore. When you were resurrected for the first time, you couldn't feel shit.
Madison: Can't find that info on my Instagram :')
Queenie: oh y'all in LOVE love.———————————————————————
[Zoe and Madison babysitting]
5 year old: [crying]
Zoe: Shhh , it's okay. Don't cry.
Madison: [sitting on the couch, painting her nails]
Zoe: Do you mind helping?
Madison: [sighs and kneels down next to the kid] Hey buddy, you see that burger on your plate?
5 year old: [nods hopefully]
Madison: Well, that's the cow you were petting earlier.
Zoe: Madison, no!———————————————————————
Violet: I'm so tired of being treated like a kid.
Ben: An hour ago you were watching spongebob and drinking a juice box.
Violet: Spongebob is funny okay?
Chad: [sitting in front of TV] damn right it is.———————————————————————
Lana: Why is there a napkin on the glass door?
Kit: I put it there so people would know there's a glass door and wouldn't run into it-
Thredson: Hey look! A floating napkin! [runs to the door]
Kit: Wait no-
Lana: DON'T interrupt him———————————————————————
Zoe: [arrives to the house on a motorbike]
Madison: Wow I'd like to ride that.
Misty: I know. The wheels look so cool.
Madison: Oh yeah, the bike too.