Sixty Three

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Queenie: So what's it like dating Madison?
Zoe: One time she was pissed at me and I asked her for a glass of water.
Zoe: She handed me a glass of ice and told me to wait.


Jimmy: I do what I want.
Elsa: I'm telling Ethel.
Jimmy: No wait!


Cordelia: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.
Misty: What if it bites me and it dies?
Cordelia: Then you're poisonous.
Nan: What if it bites itself and I die?
Queenie: That's voodoo.
Madison: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Cordelia: That's correlation, not causation.
Zoe: What if we bite each other and no one dies?
Madison: That's kinky.
Cordelia: [nods her head in agreement]
Mallory and Coco: ... is class always like this?
Myrtle: Pretty much, dear.


Judge: I hereby sentence you to 68 years in prison!
Rory's lawyer: Your honour, my client requests that one more year be added to his sentence.


Misty: I can't wait until tonight. The girls are all out. It's gonna be so good 😏
Madison: WTF??
Misty: What? I thought you said we're gonna have the house to ourselves tonight...
Madison: Hey dumbass, it's Madison!
Misty: Oh sorry. I thought I sent this to Cordelia 😬
Madison: I think I'm gonna puke 🤢

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