Fifty Six

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Madison: I promise I won't get mad.
Cordelia: [takes a deep breath] I was doing the laundry and I accidentally turned your favourite white dress, pink.
Madison: [smiles calmly]
Cordelia: ...
Cordelia: [knocks over the chair and runs] Holy shit, holy shit she's gonna KILL ME-


James: [about the 10 commandment killings] I've never been more proud of you, John.
John: I mean, I've solved a lot of police cases and taken a lot of criminals off the street.
James: And yet crime continues.


[Cordelia sends Madison and Zoe on a "date" to get them to stop fighting]
Zoe: You really can't think of one thing you like about me?
Madison: I like when you're sad.
Zoe: Okay... I'll go first. I admire how you're never afraid to say what you think.
Madison: That's stupid.
Zoe: See? Now your turn.
Madison: Umm... I guess... some people might say that... from certain angles... you're pretty.
Zoe: [smiles] ...
Madison: ... you could say I'm pretty.
Zoe: You are pretty.
Both: [awkwardly sip their drinks]


Iris: I lose at everything. I even lost my glasses.
Donovan: [staring at glasses on top of Iris' head] I'll help you find them for $10.


[AHS bloopers if they ever tried to film a Zadison sex scene]
Take 1:
Emma and Taissa: [are on bed]
Emma: [in a bad accent] Gonna show you the real magic.
Taissa: [pushes Emma's face away]
Takes 2-5:
Emma and Taissa: [stare into each other's eyes]
Emma and Taissa: [start giggling]
Take 6:
Emma: Who the hell let Evan in here???
Take 7:
Emma and Taissa: [encounter problems taking each other's clothes off]
Take 8:
Evan: [from behind the camera] Can I join?
Emma: What? No.
Evan: But I love you!
Evan: Baby come back.
Evan: You can blame it all on me.
Emma: Save it for later babe.
Take 9:
Taissa: [hooded eyes, bedroom voice] Madison...
Emma: Yeah, Zo?
Taissa: Madison... I'll always come when you call...
Cameraman: [wipes tear]

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