Fourty Eight

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Madison: Do we really have to go to the Hawthorne school?
Cordelia: We do. And I expect you to be on your best behaviour.
Madison: Now I know how the African slaves felt. Being dragged from their homes to labour under the yoke of a white man.
Cordelia: Are you honestly comparing dinner at the warlock school with one of the greatest tragedies in the history of mankind?
Madison: ...
Madison: Yes.
Cordelia: I-


Kai: Must you always attack me with your words?
Ally: What do you want me to do? Use rocks?


[At dinner after Zoe, Queenie, Nan and Madison have come back from a trip to Vegas]
Misty: So, how was it?
Zoe: It was actually more fun than I thought.
Cordelia: Really?
Madison: Yeah, we went gambling, went to one of those cheesy wedding chapels and even ate turkey dinner in a strip club.
Cordelia: Wait, why did you go to a chapel?
Madison: [laughing] Oh, Zoe and I had one of those silly fake weddings.
Cordelia: Madison... you know those are real right?
Madison: [laughing] no they're not.
Cordelia: Yeah, they are.
Zoe: [slightly worried] ... no they're not.
Myrtle: Cordelia's right dear. They are real.
Madison: But... it didn't seem real.


Vivian: Are you alright? You look like you didn't get any sleep last night.
Ben: I got a solid eight minutes.
Ben: Not consecutively but it's still fine. You're not that blurry.


Madison: Do you guys dare me to kiss Zoe?
Queenie and Nan: No.
Madison: [shakes head and laughs] Ugh, fine. I'll do it. You guys are so annoying.
Queenie and Nan: But we're not-
Madison: [climbs onto Zoe's lap] You're honestly so fucked up for making me do this.

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