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[Cordelia asks Madison for advice on asking out Misty]
Cordelia: I'm not saying that
Madison: Just do it. She'll love it.
Cordelia: I'm not-
Misty, walking into the room: What's going on?
Cordelia: . . .
Madison: *mouthing from behind Misty* Just say it.
Cordelia: Hey, Misty, is that mirror in your pocket?
Misty: What?
Cordelia: *gulps* Cause' I can see myself in your pants
Misty: . . .
Cordelia: . . .
Madison: *falls on the floor and laughs uncontrollably*


Thredson: I haven't killed anybody today.
Lana: Okay, what do you want? A gold star?


Sally: What does IDK, TTYL and LY mean?
Liz: I don't know, talk to you later, love you.
Sally: Okay, I'll ask Donavan. Love you too.


Vivian: You spent all your money on dogs?
Violet: They're golden retrievers Mom. They retrieve gold. It's called an investment.


Cordelia: That's it. You're all grounded. Queenie, no voodoo magic. Zoe, no Kyle. And Madison. . . is there anything you love?
Madison: Revenge.
Cordelia: No vengeance for you.
Madison: I was gonna say I'll get you for this but I guess that's off the table now.

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