Thirty Five

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Zoe: Madison texted me saying "your adorable" so I texted her back saying "no, YOU'RE adorable".
Queenie: And?
Zoe: And now we're dating. We've been on six dates. All I did was correct a typo she made, but I really like her so I'm not gonna say anything.


Madison: Zoe! [storms in with a empty jug of milk] I can't believe it. You drank all the milk again!
Zoe: [reading a magazine] ... we can have sex.
Madison: ...
Madison: Okay.


Sister Jude: Here are two pictures. One is your room and the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines. Can you tell me which is which?
Kit: [pointing to a photo] That one's the dump.
Sister Jude: They're both your room!


Queenie: I'm better friends with Zoe than you are.
Madison: That is a lie.
Queenie: It is not a lie.
Madison: [gets up from her seat] Okay, that's it. You and me.
Queenie: [also gets up from her seat] Okay  bitch fight me.
Queenie and Madison: [both yelling]
Zoe: [smirks and sips her drink]


John: I need someone to fill up a suspect line up at the station. Will you be Scary Iris?
Iris: Oh, I love Scary Iris. She says what regular Iris is thinking.
[At the lineup]
Iris: [with a mean look on her face and clenching her fists] THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG.

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