Eighty Three

429 18 3

[Introducing Mallory and Coco to the coven]
Zoe: This is Madison and Queenie. They're best friends.
Madison: Queenie, you're pretty
Queen: Thanks Madison.
Coco: Aw, that's so sweet-
Madison: Pretty UGLY
Queenie: Bitch I would chuck you out on the street right now but I don't wanna get fined for throwing trash.
Mallory: Best friends huh?


Mr Gallant: What language do they speak at the center of the earth?
Coco: What?
Mr Gallant: Core-ean.
Venable: The center of the earth is 5430 degrees, no one is going to live there.
Mr Gallant:
Mr Gallant: Core-ean.


Queenie: Zoe, are you here?
Zoe: [raises hand]
Queenie: Didn't recognise you with your hair tied. Madison, are you here?
Madison: [raises hand]
Queenie: Didn't recognise you with your mouth shut.


Montana: [reading] One of the functions of the muscles is heat generation. Huh? How?
Brooke: [dancing with her abs exposed]
Montana: Ooooooh, that's hot.


[The coven playing monopoly]
Queenie: [screaming] I hate you!
Madison: Oh?! Well next time, don't steal my monopoly!
Cordelia: [sighing] Madison. Give Queenie your $200. You landed on her property.
Madison: No! She's in jail! I'm not going to give money to a criminal!
Queenie: That's not how you-
Queenie: [screaming] PLAY!!!
Mallory: Coco... why is Queenie screaming?
Coco: Shut the fuck up, Mallory! You can't talk to me after stealing my last railroad!
Mallory: [crying] I wish I was never born!
Cordelia: Me too!

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