Fourty Three

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[Madison is drunk and locked out of the house after going to a party]
Madison: [throws rock at Queenie's window]
Madison: Queenie!
Queenie: [rolls her eyes and grabs her phone]
Queenie: [texting Madison] Why are you throwing rocks at my window? You do know that you have a phone right?
[loud bang]
Queenie: [opens window and shouts at Madison] You didn't seriously just throw your phone at my window bitch!
Madison: Oops?
Queenie: What the actual fuck Madison?!


The Countess: I just ended a four year long relationship.
Iris: Are you okay?
The Countess: Yeah, I feel great.
Iris: You sure?
The Countess: Well, it wasn't my relationship so I'm fine.


Queenie: [sneezes]
Zoe: Bless you.
Madison: ...
Zoe: Aren't you going to say "bless you" to her, Madison?
Madison: I'm sitting right next to her.
Madison: She's clearly blessed enough already.


Sally: I keep on getting messages or missed calls or something.
Liz: From who?
Sally: Some woman named... Betty Low?
Liz: Uhmm... battery low?!
Sally: YEAH THAT'S HER! Do you know her?
Liz: Omfg...


Madison: Since we are together I can't drink or smoke anymore 🙈🖤
Zoe: Awww
Zoe: Do you love me too much? 🙈❤️
Madison: No, I just can't afford it lol.

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