Eighty Two

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Coco: Okay, so let's hear about the kiss. Was it like... was it like a soft brush against your lips? Or was it like a, you know, 'I gotta have you now' kind of thing?
Zoe: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then we just sort of sunk into it.
Mallory: Okay well, was she like holding you? Or were her hands on your back?
Zoe: No, actually. First they were... they started on my waist. And they slid up, and then they were in my hair.
Coco and Mallory: Awww!
[Meanwhile Queenie and Madison]
Madison: And, uh, and then I kissed her.
Queenie: Tongue?
Madison: Yeah.
Queenie: Cool.


[The first night at the camp]
Montana: [sneezes]
Brooke: Bless you!
Montana: I already am, I mean look at this ass.
Chet: [sneezes]
Xavier: [smacking him with a book] Don't fucking give me your germs!
Xavier: [sneezes]
Montana: [stares at him blankly]
Xavier: [without looking up] Bless me.
Brooke: [sneezes]
Ray, Montana and Chet: [in perfect unison, handing her a tissue] Bless you! Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?


Zoe: [walking in with just a bra on] Have any of you guys seen my top?
Queenie: [without looking up from her book] Yeah, Madison's in the kitchen.


Michael: You know, when I was little, I used to pretend you weren't my real father.
Tate: Me too.


[Planning Mallory's birthday]
Madison: I got the birthday cake!
Zoe: This says "Happy 35th Birthday Mary"
Madison: Fuck, she's gonna be 25 isn't she?
Zoe: Her name is Mallory-

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