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[In the car]
Myrtle: Zoe I can't believe they caught you with weed...
Myrtle: How irresponsible is that?
Zoe: I'm sorry Myrtle, I forgot that Madison had put it in my bag... it's no biggie.
Myrtle: Well look where it got you! It is a really huge biggie you butt!
Zoe: Really? Butt?
Myrtle: Yes BUTT! You sinful children.
. . .
Cordelia: Madison, would you stop taking pictures of yourself? Zoe's going to jail because of you!
Madison: That's not my fault she forgot to take the weed out, is it? I look hella good in this light, so leave me alone. I need to bless the world with my face.
Myrtle: What have I gotten myself into?...


Madison: Hey, you wanna a quickie?
Queenie: A what?!
Madison: A quickie, you know those tart things.
Queenie: And yes I'll have one.
Madison: [slightly worried] The quickie or the quiche?


Liz: The door won't unlock.
John: Allow me, locks are my specialty.
John: [throws brick at the window and climbs in]


Queenie: I dare you to kiss the next person that walks in the room.
Zoe: Yeah, no. I'm not doing that.
Madison: [walks in the room and lights a cigarette] Hey bitches.
Zoe: Fine, I'll do it. I mean rules are rules right?


Ben: It's time to grow up.
Michael: You're right I'm going to start today but first let's eat.
Michael: Grandma! Can you make us some PB&Js?
Constance: [shouting from the kitchen] Crust cut off?
Michael: Crust cut off!
Ben: No, Michael. You're a man now, you don't need your Grandma to make you sandwiches with the crust cut off.
Michael: You're right.
Michael: Grandma! Leave the crust on!

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