One of a Kind (Harry x Reader)

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Everyone had been sorted except me. I stood there waiting for my name to be called. 

"Y/N L/N", Professor McGonagall called. 

"Interesting", a voice in my ear said, "You have a kind heart but not that of Hufflepuff". I swallowed nervously.

"You also have a brilliant mind but not that of Ravenclaw. Cunning but not that of Slytherin", the voice said, "Courage but not that of Gryffindor. Where to put you? I know....".

"Slythendor!!", the Sorting Hat shouted. I took the hat off and saw that everyone was staring at me confused. I turned around to the staff table and saw that the teachers were also confused. I glanced at Professor McGonagall to see her looking back at me. 

"What do I do now Professor?", I asked mustering up my courage. She shook her head confused and looked at Dumbledore. Dumbledore stood up and spoke to the hall.

"Let the feast begin", he said. Food magically appeared on every table. I was still sitting on the sorting stool.

"Miss L/N", I heard a voice call me. I turned around to look at Dumbledore. 

"Yes Professor?", I asked ignoring my sinking heart.

"Bring the stool and sit next to me", Dumbledore said. I nodded and picked up the stool. Professor McGonagall put the Sorting Hat away and took her seat on the other side of Dumbledore. 

"Look", someone shouted. Suddenly, all eyes were on the staff table. Whispers filled the Great Hall as I tried to ignore them and eat. When dinner was finished, I was told to follow Percy Weasley to the Gryffindor common room. They would try sorting me again tomorrow. I nodded and walked over to the Gryffindor table. I walked up to Ron and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ron? Who's your brother Percy?", I asked ignoring the looks from the whole Great Hall. Ron smiled at me and pointed at the boy sitting in front of Harry. Ron moved over and let me sit next to Harry. 

"E-Excuse me?", I stuttered out. Harry grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I felt myself relax. Strange. 

"Yes?", Percy replied.

"Umm, Professor Dumbledore told me to follow you", I said. I looked down at the table. My shyness taking over. 

"Okay", I heard Percy say. I looked up and saw Percy smile gently. He stood up and shouted, "First Years follow me!". Harry stood up still holding my hand and lead the way after Percy. 

"Harry, you can let go now", I said. Harry let go reluctantly. 

"Desperate, aren't we Harry?', Ron teased. 

"Shut up", Harry said. When we got to the common room, Percy directed the girls and boys to the stairs that led to their dorms. 

"Did Dumbledore say where you were going to sleep?", Harry asked. Percy looked at us. I nodded.

"He said I could sleep in the common room for tonight", I replied. Harry looked like he was going to say something but Percy pushed him away and to the stairs. Percy turned to me and handed me some blankets. "Thank you", I said but he was already up the stairs.

The next morning, I went to Dumbledore's office. 

"Lemon drops", I said. The wall parted and I walked up the stairs. I knocked on the door. 

"Come in Miss L/N", Dumbledore said.

"Goodmorning Professor", I said. I looked up to see Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. 

"They are here to see which house you are in. Seeing as in the hat said Slytherdor, you must be in either Slytherin or Gryffindor", Dumbledore said as if reading my mind. I nodded as they set the stool in front of three chairs. I sat down and the hat was placed on my head.

"Why are you waking me from my sleep?", the Sorting Hat asked. 

"We wanted to know in what house does Miss Y/N L/N belong in", Dumbledore said.

"I already said it last night", the hat said, "She belongs in Slythendor". 

"You stupid hat", Snape said, "There is no such house".

"Ahh but there is a first time for everything", the Sorting Hat said. 

"Mr. Sorting Hat", I said, "I do believe you must be mistaken. Slythendor is not a house".

"I like you. You're more polite than others", the hat said glaring at Snape, "But you see, you belong in both Slytherin and Gryffindor. That's why I sorted you into Slythendor". 

"But-", we all started. 

"I said Slythendor so it will be Slythendor", the hat then went motionless.

I left the office crying. Harry was walking by and noticed me. 

"What's wrong?", he asked. 

"I belong in Slythendor", I said.

"So?", Harry asked. 

"I'm different", I said. 

"So?", he asked again.

"Harry-", I started but I was cut off by lips against mine.

"Just because your house doesn't exist, doesn't mean you're different", he said pulling away, "It just means you're one of a kind". He then walked away without letting me reply.

It's not the best but it's a start.

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