Saving Cedric (Cedric x Reader) Pt.2

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A/N: This is part 2 of I'll Protect You. This was requested by chaelinh. Thanks for requesting it. Sorry, it took me a while to write it and sorry it may be bad.


I entered the maze at the same time as Cedric. Harry was right behind me. The two of us ran trying to get to the cup.

"Harry, I have a bad feeling about this", I said.

"We'll be fine N/N", Harry said. He grabbed my hand and ran off to the right. As we ran farther into the maze, we heard a scream.

"Fleur!", I shouted. Harry took off in the direction of the scream.

Cedric's POV

I heard a scream and I ran in the direction of the scream and red sparks. I turned the corner and saw Krum advancing on the twins. Y/N was behind Harry.

"Viktor, this isn't you. Please snap out of it", Y/N begged. Krum didn't listen and continued advancing on them.

"Expelliarmus!", I shouted. Krum's wand flew out of his hand. I then knocked him to the ground. I ran over to the twins. I hugged Y/N and she looked at Krum. 

"Is he okay?", Y/N asked.

"Yeah, he's fine", I said. Y/N turned away from Krum and she looked past my shoulder. Her eyes widened. Harry followed her gaze.


"The Triwizard Cup", the twins said in sync. I looked in the direction they were looking at and sure enough, the Triwizard Cup was a few feet away.

"Let's go", I said grabbing Y/N's hand. She grabbed Harry's arm as I dragged them off towards the cup. The three of us grabbed the cup and we were teleported to a graveyard.

"Where are we?", Harry asked.

"A graveyard stupid", Y/N said. Harry and Y/N then started bickering. I noticed a figure walking towards us.

"Guys, we're not alone", I said. The twins stopped arguing, turned around, and spotted the figure.


"Who?". The figure was a short ugly little man who was holding the ugliest baby I had ever seen.

"Kill the spare!", a high cold voice said.

"Avada Kedavra", the man who the twins called Wormtail shouted.

"No!!", I heard Y/N shout, "Ceddie!!". There was a flash of green light and then everything went black.


I watched in horror as Cedric fell to the ground lifeless. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion.

"Cedric!", Harry shouted snapping me out of my trance. I ran over to his body. 

"Ceddie!". I kneeled down next to him. I lifted his head onto my lap.

"Ced, please wake up", I said stroking his cheek, "Ced, this isn't funny". Harry put his hands on my shoulders as more tears streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry Y/N", Harry whispered. I screamed and stood up. I turned and glared at Wormtail.

"You! I fucking hate you! You just killed the fucking love of my life! Even though, I saved your scrawny ass last year!", I shouted at the top of my lungs, "This is how you fucking repay me! After I'm done with you, you're going to wish we had given you to the Dementors!". I tried to run over to him but Harry held me back.

----Time Skip----

Harry's POV

Y/N and I used the cup to get back to the Quidditch pitch. Y/N was hugging Cedric's body tightly as she cried. Screams filled the pitch as people realized Cedric was dead.

"What happened?', Dumbledore asked.

"He's back! He's back", I said. I had my arms wrapped around Y/N trying to pull her away from Cedric.

"Who's back?", Dumbledore asked.

"Voldemort", I said as Y/N continued crying into Cedric's chest.

"Cedric!", Amos shouted.

----Mini Time Skip----

"Professor, is there any way to bring Cedric back?", Y/N asked. Dumbledore smiled gently down at Y/N.

"I'm not so sure, Y/N", Dumbledore said gently. Y/N looked at the ground crestfallen. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. We turned to walk out of his office.

"But there might be a way". We both turned back to face him. 

"Really?", Y/N and I asked in sync. Hope was all over our faces. I wanted to bring Cedric back. Y/N already lost our parents. I don't want her to lose Cedric too. 

"Are you willing to face Wormtail alone without Mr. Diggoy?", Dumbledore asked.

"Of course! He'll live that way", Y/N said.

"Very well", Dumbledore said, "I'll have Severus make the potion". Y/N and I beamed at each other.

Cedric's POV

I ran through the maze towards Y/N and Harry when someone suddenly grabbed me. 

"What the fuck?!", I shouted. I turned around to find Harry and Y/N?

"Cedric!", They both said happily. They hugged me.

"But you two are over there", I said, "How did you get here?".

"Nevermind that Ced", Y/N said, "But you have to listen to me". I raised my eyebrow at her.

"What is it?", I asked.

"Cedric, we'll find the cup together", Y/N replied, "But you stay away from it. Let Harry and I get to it. Do not touch it".

"Why?", I asked angrily, "Are you just trying to make sure you two win?". 

"No! That's not it", Y/N said grabbing hold of my arm.

"Cedric, if you grab that cup, you will be transported to a graveyard with us", Harry said, "Where you'll be killed by a man called Wormtail". I stared at them in disbelief.

"We came to warn you and hopefully save you", Y/N said, "Just trust us Cedric. Trust me".

"Please believe us Cedric", Harry said, "If you don't Y/N will cry".

"Okay", I said sighing, "What do I have to do?".

"Just stay away from the cup", Y/N and Harry said in sync. I nodded. They smiled and disappeared.


When Harry and I appeared in Dumbledore's office, we found Dumbledore smiling at us. We thanked him and walked out. 

"Do you think it worked?", I asked.

"Only one way to find out", Harry replied. We raced down to the tree by the Black Lake. As we got closer, we saw a figure sitting under the tree wearing a Hufflepuff scarf.

"Cedric!", I shouted. He looked up causing me to smile. I threw my arms around him and cried. Harry also hugged him.

"What's wrong, Harry? Y/N?", Cedric asked his eyes full of concern, "Why are you crying, N/N? Are you sad? Did I do something?". I shook my head.

"I'm fine Ced", I said, "These are happy tears. You're alive". Cedric smiled although confused and he kissed me quickly. I smiled brightly at him. Harry (who was also crying) kissed Cedric on the cheek. Cedric and I looked at him confused.

"What? We're basically brothers", Harry said shrugged. I rolled my eyes and pushed Harry off of Cedric.

"I love you, Ceddie", I said snuggling into his chest.

"I love you too, Y/N", Cedric said. I looked up at him and kissed him.

"I'm still here", Harry said, "Don't go snogging each other in front of me". Cedric and I pulled away laughing.

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