Lost in the Music (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: I know it may be too early for another Slythendor chapter but I love writing about the Slythendor house because personally, I am a Slythendor.

Draco's POV

I walked down the hall when I heard people arguing in the music room. I stopped when I heard her name.

"Y/N, why are you such a jerk sometimes?!", I heard Potter's voice say.

"Oh I'm sorry, I think you forgot that I'm not just a Gryffindor", I heard Y/N say a hint of mock in her voice, "I'm also part Slytherin".

"Maybe you wouldn't act like that if you stopped hanging out with Malfoy and his friends", Potter said. I felt like punching Potter. I was just about to burst in when I heard her defend me.

"It's not Draco's fault I act like this. I act like this because I want to!", I said, "It's a part of who I am". I quickly hid when I saw Potter walking toward the door. Crabbe and Goyle stood behind me while I waited. I had expected Y/N to follow but instead, I heard the first notes of a piano. Then I heard a beautiful voice start to sing. 

I couldn't help but burst in and clap when she finished. Crabbe and Goyle both joined me. Crabbe whistled. Startled, Y/N turned around. 

"D-Draco? Vincent? Gregory? How much did you hear?", Y/N asked stuttering. I had to admit it, she was so adorable.

"Every single word", I said. I could see her cheeks redden slightly.

"Did you like it?", she asked shyly. Before I could answer, Crabbe and Goyle both answered.

"Yeah! You sing beautifully", they said. I smacked them both on the back of their heads.

"What was that for Malfoy?!", Goyle asked rubbing the back of his head. 

"I was going to tell her!", I whined.

"Aww Dray! You're so cute", Y/N and Crabbe said mocking me. 

"Hey!", I said smacking Crabbe on the back of his head again. I then took a step towards Y/N.

"Dray I mean Draco", she started. I cut her off by kissing her. She didn't kiss back at first. I worried that she didn't feel the same way. But just as I thought about pulling away, she started kissing back. I pulled away when I heard a wolf whistle. 

"You can call me Dray", I whispered before I turned towards Crabbe and Goyle. 

"Get a room you two!", Goyle shouted.

"My innocence!!", Crabbe shouted covering his eyes. 

"Shut up!", I said. I heard Y/N giggle. 

"What are you giggling about?".

"You're blushing. It's so cute!", she replied. 

"You're cuter", I said causing her to blush.

A/N: I forgot about the sorting. Oops! Should I do the sorting?

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