Tonks (Remus x Mute! Reader)

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A/N: You are Tonks's younger twin sister. (F/C) means favorite color.


I walked behind the group as we walked to King's Cross to see Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys off to Hogwarts. Sirius in his dog form nudged my hand. I looked down at him and gave him a small smile.

'I'm fine Siri', I signed. He barked and ran off to catch up to the others. Sirius was my best friend. He was the only person I could easily 'talk' to. You see, unlike Tonks, I was mute and couldn't talk to people. I also rarely used my Metamorphmagus abilities. My hair was usually (F/C) and down.

"Hurry up N/N", Tonks shouted over her shoulder.

'I'm coming, Nymph', I signed. I picked up my pace. We all ran through the barrier. Everyone said bye to the kids and I stood a few feet away.

"Bye Y/N", Ginny said. I waved to her. I watched them board the train. I sighed as Tonks walked over to me.

"You okay?", Tonks asked.

'I'm fine Nymph', I signed, 'I just want to go home'. Tonks nodded and linked her arm in mine. She dragged me out of the station.

Harry's POV

"There's something wrong with Y/N", Ginny said.

"How can you tell?", Ron asked.

"Her expressions", Ginny said. I looked at her curiously.

"What do you mean?", I asked. Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Her eyes have sadness in them", Ginny explained, "I don't know why but she's sad".

"Maybe you're just imaging it", Hermione said looking up slightly.

"She always has that sad look in her eyes", Ginny said, "She only gets happiness when she's with Tonks and Sirius".

"Do you think she likes Sirius?", I asked.

"No way! She and Sirius are like brother and sister", Hermione said without looking up from her book.

"Besides, Y/N told me who she likes", Ginny said.

"Really?", Hermione asked suddenly interested, "Who is it?".

"I promised her I wouldn't say anything", Ginny said smiling innocently.


I walked down the hall to mine and Tonks's room. I walked right into someone. I felt myself fall back. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up and saw Remus smiling gently at me.

"Sorry Y/N", Remus said. I looked down.

"Y/N!", Tonks said. She walked towards us.

"Hi Tonks", Remus said.

"Hey Remus", Tonks said, "Can I borrow Y/N for a minute?".

"Sure?", Remus said questionably. 

"Thanks", Tonks said grabbing my arm and pulling me along. I turned my head to look at Remus. He looked just as confused as I felt. Once we were in the bedroom we shared, Tonks turned to face me. 

'What's up, Nymph?', I signed. 

"Do you like Remus?", Tonks asked. I looked at her confused. How did she find out? I looked up at her nervously. Her hair was starting to turn red. That was never a good sign. I sighed. I knew I couldn't lie to her even if I tried. I nodded. Tonks let out a frustrated groan.

'What's wrong?', I signed. Tonks looked at me. Her eyes were overflowing with emotions. Her hair was rapidly changing colors. I blinked. 

"I like him", Tonks said, "Like I might be in love with him". I felt a small but sharp pain in my heart. I shrugged it off and listened to Tonks's rambling. I sat there trying to figure out how to get her to "listen" to me. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Sirius's POV

"Y/N! Tonks! Dinner!", Molly said. Tonks came barreling in, tripping over a chair in the process. 

"Are you okay, Tonks?", Remus asked as he pulled her up. 

"Yeah I'm fine", Tonks said blushing lightly. The door creaked open and Y/N walked in. She eyed Remus and Tonks before shaking her head lightly and took her seat next to me. 

"Are you okay?", I whispered. Y/N looked up at me before giving me a small smile. Y/N's way of saying "I'm fine" without signing. I looked at her in disbelief. 

"Kid, I know you", I told her, "You're obviously not okay".  She glared at me.

'I'm fine Sirius!!', She signed angrily, 'If I say I'm fine, I'm fine! Now stop prying'. We looked up only to find everyone looking at us. You see, Y/N doesn't really get angry, but when she does everyone else notices. She may be mute but everyone notices her dark aura. She blushed lightly from embarrassed. She signs a quick sorry and picks up her plate of roasted chicken and mashed potatoes and glass of water and walked out of the kitchen. 

"What was that about Sirius?", Arthur asked.

"What did you say to upset the poor girl?", Molly asked.

"She's being stubborn is all", I replied ignoring Molly's question. Remus stood up with his own dinner and dessert for two, ignoring the looks Tonks was giving him, and walking out of the kitchen.

"What just happened?", Tonks whispered. I shook my head. I now understand why Y/n was upset.

Remus's POV

I walked up to the room Y/N and Tonks shared. I managed to balance the plates on one arm and knocked I heard muffled footsteps and the door opened. Y/N looked at me bewildered. 

'What are you doing here, Remus?', She signed. I smiled at down at her.

"I thought it would be a shame for you to eat dinner up here by yourself", I replied. She smiled shyly averting her eyes from me. I chuckled silently. She's adorable. I walked into the room placing the plates on the small table. I looked up to find Y/N sitting cross-legged on her bed with her own plate in front of her. I awkwardly shuffle through the small space and sit down on the edge of her bed by her feet. I reach over and pick up my own plate and silently start eating. Once we both finished, I reached over and grabbed the desserts. 

"Here", I said holding out a plate of treacle tart. 

'You didn't have to', She signed. A small smile played on her lips.

"I wanted to", I said. We talked (well I did the talking and she signed), and before I knew it, we had both finished dinner and we're sitting side by side cuddling. Her head was resting on my chest as I played with a strand of her hair.

'Remus?', Y/N signed.

"Hmm?", I hummed.

'Do you love Nymph?', She signed.

"No", I said. She looked up at me.

"I love you". She smiled and pressed her lips against mine. I smiled and kissed back. When we pulled apart, she rested her head on my chest.


Molly's POV

I knocked on Y/N's bedroom door holding two mugs of warm Butter Beer.

"Y/N! Remus! I brought you something to drink". There was no reply.

"Y/N? Remus?". I opened the door. I smiled at the sight in front of me.

Y/N and Remus were asleep cuddling. Y/N shifted in her sleep. Remus's hold tightened around her. A smile appeared on both of their faces. I felt myself smile as I placed the mugs down on the table.

They're so cute together. Their children will be adorable too. I better start knitting baby onesies.

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