Anxiety (Cedric x Reader)

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A/N: You are Remus' daughter. You are in Gryffindor. You are 13 and he is 16 in this one-shot. You are a Marauder and are a member of the Golden Squad (Name brought to you by the Weasley twins). Harry and you are close. But you both see each other as siblings. Harry is your overprotective older (By two days) brother. Fred and George are also your overprotective brothers. 

Warning: This contains stuff about anxiety.

Harry's POV

I sat at the Gryffindor table with Ron, Hermione, and Y/N. Ron and Hermione sat on one side together and Y/N and I sat together on the other. Oliver Wood sat down next to Y/N who timidly curled into my side slightly. 

"Move Wood", Fred said. He shoved Oliver and sat down in between him and Y/N. George sat down next to me. Ginny sat next to Hermione.

"He's staring at you again", Ginny whispered. Y/N turned around towards the Hufflepuff table. I turned around too and managed to catch Cedric Diggory staring at Y/N. He quickly looked away blushing. Y/N and I turned back around.

"That's the third time today", Y/N and Hermione said. Ron picked up a chicken leg and bit into it.

"Maybe he has a crush on you, N/N", Ron said through a mouth full of chicken. Hermione and Ginny looked at Ron in disgust while Y/N looked down at the table. 

"I don't think so", Y/N said quietly, "Why would he like me?". I mentally facepalmed. Y/N is very very insecure and very timid. She also happens to have an anxiety disorder.

"I don't know but he's staring at you again, Y/N", Ron said.

"Who's staring at Y/N?", Professor Lupin asked behind Ron. Ron jumped slightly.

"Cedric Diggory", Hermione replied.

Cedric's POV

"Dude, stop staring", Anthony said, "Lupin's there". I stopped staring at Y/N.

"Is he looking at Y/N Lupin again?", Justin asked as he, Hannah, Susan, and Ernie sat down. 

"Yeah", Anthony said, "And Lupin's talking to them". We all turned and looked at the Gryffindor table. Professor Lupin had sat down next to Hermione. He was talking with Y/N about something. Y/N was blushing and panicking slightly. Her friends were laughing.

"She's too cute", I said. Everyone turned and looked at me.

"Yeah, Lupin's cute but she's shy", Ernie said.

"I wonder why the hat put her in Gryffindor", Hannah said, "She's not outgoing or brave".

"She's pretty stubborn though", Justin said.

"She would have been a great Hufflepuff", Susan said.

"I bet the hat only put her in Gryffindor because of her father", Hannah said. I stood up from the table. My friends looked at me confused.

"What's wrong Cedric?", Susan asked.

"I forgot my homework in the common room", I said. I walked out of the hall without saying another word.

----Time Skip----


Lessons were over for the day, so I walked into Dad's class to have a talk with him. There was a closet in the middle of the room when I got there.

"Dad?", I called out. There was no answer. I shrugged and walked over to one of the desks. I sat down on top of it and waited for Dad. The closet started shaking and a boggart popped out of it. It started towards me.

"Shit", I mumbled. The boggart surrounded me and turned into a small room. Dad hadn't taught us the spell to use against a boggart yet. I'm pretty sure that was tomorrow's lesson. I felt myself start to have an anxiety attack. My breath and heart began to speed up. I started feeling the urge to cry. I remembered what Dad had told me to do if I had an anxiety attack when I was younger.

'Sing N/N', Dad's voice rang through my head, 'It'll help you. Trust me'. I quickly thought of a song as the room became smaller. One of my favorite songs popped into my head. I quickly began to sing:

When I finished, I noticed the room was closing in on me. I hugged my knees and I closed my eyes.

"Riddikulus!", I heard a voice shout. I opened my eyes and saw Cedric Diggory standing in front of me. The boggart turned into a puppy chasing its tail. I giggled and Cedric looked over at me. He gave me a smile. Dad suddenly came running in. He blasted the boggart back into the closet and locked it. Cedric and Dad squatted down next to me. One of them on either side.

"You okay?", Cedric asked. I looked into his eyes. They were full of worry and something else. I nodded.

"I'm sorry N/N", Dad said, "I didn't mean for the boggart to attack you".

"It's okay Dad", I said. He brushed my hair out my face and stood up. 

"Mr.Diggory, do me a favor and carry her over here", Dad said. Cedric nodded and picked me up. I blushed as Cedric carried me into Dad's office. Dad was looking through his drawers and pulled out a bottle of pills. Dad took two of them and held them out towards me.

"What is that?", Cedric asked curiously. I giggled as he stared at the pill, tilting his head to the side. He looked too cute.

"These are muggle medication", I explained, "They help me with my anxiety". I took the pills and Dad handed me a glass of water.

"So what I saw with the boggart was-", Cedric began.

"It was an anxiety attack", Dad cutting Cedric off. 

"I've had trouble with it since I was younger", I said, "It's the reason why I'm so insecure and shy". Cedric hugged me and Dad took that as a cue to leave.

"I'm sorry you have to go through that", Cedric whispered. I wrapped my arms around him. I buried my face into his chest.

"Don't be, it's not your fault", I mumbled into his chest.

"I wish I knew how to help you", Cedric said.

"It's fine Ced", I said, "It really is". Silence passed over us.

"I'll protect you", Cedric said. I looked up at him.

"What?", I asked.

"I'll protect you", Cedric said.

"How?", I asked.

"I'll make sure you don't get anxiety attacks, Y/N", Cedric said, "And I'll help you get through them if you get one".

"You don't have to Ced", I said.

"I want to", Cedric said, "Let me help".

"Why would you want to help me?", I asked.

"Because I love you", Cedric said.

"You what?", I asked.

"I love you", Cedric said. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. His hand caressed my cheek as his brown orbs met my (e/c) ones. They were full of love.

"I love you too, Cedric", I whispered. Cedric smiled and kissed me. I happily kissed back. 

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