Time Travel (Scorpius x Reader) Pt.1

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A/N: Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy. Anyway, you are Y/N Hermione Potter. You are a year younger than Albus, a year older than Lily, and three years younger than James. This takes place during your 4th year (Albus's 5th, James's 7th and Lily's 3rd). You are in Slytherin. 

Scorpius's POV

I sighed as I followed Albus down the corridor. 

"What's wrong, Scorp?", Albus asked looking back at me.

"Well, I think I like someone but I don't think she likes me back", I said.

"Is it Rose again?", Albus asked, "I thought you were over her".

"I am", I said, "The girl I like is a year younger than us".

"Is it Alice Longbottom?", Albus asked slightly angry.

"No, she's all yours Al", I said teasingly. Albus blushed but continued naming Gryffindor girls.

"Is it Lily?", Albus asked in horror.

"No Albus! First off, she's a YEAR younger than us, not two", I said, "Besides she's not in Gryffindor. She's in Slytherin". Albus thought about it for a moment.

"Hey, Al! Hey Scorp!", Y/N said as she walked by. 

"Hey, Y/N", We both replied. She smiled and disappeared into the Great Hall.

"Wait, Y/N's a Slytherin", Albus muttered to himself, "She's a year younger than us". Something suddenly clicked in his head.

"YOU LIKE MY LITTLE SISTER?!", Albus shouted. James and Rose (who were walking by) suddenly stopped next to us.

"Who likes our little sister?", James asked. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?", she said pointing at me.

"Ohhh", James said, "Lily or Y/N?".

"Y/N", I whispered. 

"I mean she's pretty cute", James said. Albus slapped James in the back of his head.

"She's your sister", Albus snapped.

"I meant if I wasn't her older brother which I am", James said as Albus glared, "I'd find her cute".

"You have to admit, Al she is very pretty", Rose said.

"She's not pretty. You're pretty", I snapped, "She's beautiful". Rose looked at me shocked.

"You think she's prettier than me?".

"Yes, she's beautiful", I said looking into Rose's eyes, "You're just pretty". Rose scoffed.

"Y/N's pretty ordinary though", Rose said looking at her nails.

"Don't be such a bitch Rose", James snapped.

"Yeah, besides you're just jealous that Scorpius likes Y/N now", Albus added. Rose stood speechless.

"Y/N's not ordinary", I said as Rose turned her attention back onto me, "You are. You're just a redhead while she has dark brown hair with red at the tips".

"And we all know she's had that hair color since birth", James and Albus said before Rose said something. Rose rolled her eyes and walked away.

---Time Skip: Summer---


"Oh hey James", I said as I opened the door to my room.

"Hide me!", James squealed as he shushed me aside. He ran into my closet and slammed the door. Not even 5 seconds later, my cousins, siblings, Scorpius, and my favorite person: Teddy ran in after James.

"James! Give it to me!", Teddy snapped. He looked around and saw me standing by the door. Victorie walked over to me.

"Where is he, N/N?", Victorie asked as she stroked my hair. I ducked away from her causing her to roll her eyes.

"He's not here", I said.

"You're lying, Y/N", Dominique said, "We all know you would obviously defend James. He is your favorite".

"He is not", I snapped, "I don't have favorites. Besides, I'm pretty sure Albus knows where he is by now". Everyone turned towards Albus.

"He's in the closet", Albus stated. Teddy walked over to the closet and opened it. James fell out on top of what he was holding.

"James!!", Roxanne and Molly yelled. Golden sand started circling around us until we vanished.

-----Grimmauld Place: 1995----

When I opened my eyes, we weren't in my room anymore. We were in a strange yet familiar place.

"Is this Grimmauld Place?", Albus asked.

"Yeah, but it's old?", Lily said well more like questioned.

"James! Why'd you break it?", Teddy groaned. 

"I didn't mean to", James said.

"Hold on, James was holding a time-turner?", I asked as I pieced the pieces together.

"No shit Sherlock", Scorpius said rolling his eyes at me, "What was your first clue?".

"Fuck you Malfoy", I said. Scorpius smirked and bend down so he was eye to eye with me.

"You know you want to", he said winking. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes. Teddy, James, and Albus glared at him.

"Gross Malfoy", Teddy said, "She's just 14".

"Yeah Malfoy, you pervert", James added. Scorpius opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of a door bursting open. We turned around and I came face to chest with a younger version of my dad. I then looked at Fred.

"Are you going to say it?", I asked.

"How about we say it together?", Fred replied. We silently counted off and.....















"Well, shit".

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