Babysitting (Teddy x Reader)

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A/N: From now on, the one shots will either be a house hybrid or a specific house. You are Y/N Granger-Weasley. You are the first born of Ron and Hermione.


"Hello Y/N", Aunt Ginny said opening the door.

"Hi Auntie Ginny", I said.  She let me in and I was instantly hugged by Lily.

"N/N! You're here!", Lily shouted.

"Hi Lils", I said. I was hugged to the ground by two more people.

"Y/N!", James and Albus shouted. They both stood up and helped me up.

"Hello Y/N", Uncle Harry said coming into the room.

"Hello Uncle Harry", I said. 

"Nice outfit", Uncle Harry said, "How did your dad react?". I looked down at my clothes:

"He asked where his little princess went", I replied, "He took it better than the tattoo"

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"He asked where his little princess went", I replied, "He took it better than the tattoo". 

"What tattoo?", Auntie Ginny asked. I showed her my arm :

"Is that real?", James asked

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"Is that real?", James asked. 

"Nope", I said, "It's temporary. I'm badass but not that badass".

"So, does your dad know it's temporary?", Auntie Ginny asked.

"Nope", I said. 

"Nice", Uncle Harry said.

"Do you have anymore tattoos?", James asked. I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out two more of the same tattoo I had on.

"Can I give it to him?", I asked.

"Sure", Uncle Harry said. I gave the tattoo to James. I handed the other to Albus. I gave Lily one of my bracelets.

"We'll be going now", Auntie Ginny said, "There's money for you in the kitchen. James isn't allowed to leave the house alone. Lily can't have sugar after 7".

"Got it", I said.

"Oh and watch over all four of the kids", Uncle Harry said.

"Four?", I questioned.

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now