You're Potter's Twin?! (Draco x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by That_Midnight_Potato (Thanks for the request) Sorry if it's terrible. Anyway, you are Y/N Lily Lupin (Potter). You are Harry's twin sister but nobody knows except Remus and Dumbledore of course. You are in Slytherin.

Two Years Earlier

Remus's POV

"Dad!! Dad!!", Y/N shouted running into the kitchen. 

"What is it, Princess?", I asked. She smiled widely at me placing an envelope in down in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Open it", Y/N demanded. I chuckled lightly and turned the envelope over. A familiar crest peered up at me.

"Your Hogwarts letter", I whispered as I scanned through the parchment. Y/N nodded and squeals. She hugged me before running around the kitchen.  

"I'm going to Hogwarts!!", She squealed, "I hope I'm a Gryffindor like you and my parents!".

"Y/N, you might be a Gryffindor but you could always be in a different house", I said. She stops jumping abruptly. 

"Would you be disappointed if I wasn't in Gryffindor?", Y/N asked.

"Of course not", I replied, "You're still going to be my Y/N in any house you're in".

"Even if I'm in Slytherin?".  

"Even if you're in Slytherin".

----Time Skip----


"Hi!", I exclaimed as I walked into a random compartment. A raven-haired boy and a red-headed boy looked up at me.

"Hi", the raven-haired boy said smiling. I squinted at him. He looked familiar. 

"What? Is there something on my face?", He asked wiping his face on his shirt. 

"No", I replied, "You just seem very familiar". 

"I could say the same about you", He said. 

"I'm Y/N", I said holding my hand out. 

"I'm Harry", He said taking it. 

"I'm still here", the red-head said, "Name's Ron by the way". I laughed and sat down next to Harry. 

"Nice to meet you Ron", I said. Ron's face turned red and he nodded. 

----Mini Time Skip----

Draco's POV

"So it's true", I said stepping forward, "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts". I stood in front of Potter and a girl. She had wavy h/c hair and big e/c eyes. 

"They're Crabbe and Goyle", I said, "And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy". The red-haired kid started laughing.

"You think my name's funny. No need to ask who you are. Red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley". I heard Crabbe and Goyle snicker a little.

"You're an asshole", the girl muttered. I ignored her and looked back at Potter. 

"You'll find out that some wizarding families are better. You don't want to make friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there". I held my hand out. Harry looked at it then looked up.

"I can tell the wrong sort thanks", Potter said. The sorting began after McGonagall hit me with the scroll.

----Another Time Skip----

"Y/N Lupin", McGonagall called out. The girl from earlier walked up and sat on the stool. 

"Interesting....", the hat mumbled, "Better be Slytherin!". She smiled and walked over to my table. 

"Hey you!", I shouted, "Get your ass over here!". She scowled but listened obviously trying not to get on my bad side. I guess she understands who's in charge. 

----Time Skip: Present Day----


I walked down the corridor with Dad and Harry. 

"Why do the dementors affect me and Y/N so much?", Harry asked. I glance at dad who was deep in thought. 

"Listen, dementors are amongst the foulest creatures to walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling and every happy memory until a person is left with absolutely nothing but their worst experiences", Dad explained, "You two are not weak, Harry. The dementors affect you two the most because there are true horrors in your pasts. Horror anyone can scarcely imagine. You don't have nothing to be ashamed of".

"Horrors?", I asked, "What could I have possibly face that's as bad as what Harry faced?". Dad sucked in a breath before sitting down on a log. 

"You two should sit down for this", Dad said patting the seats on either side of him. Harry and I looked at each other before sitting down. 

"Why are you acting like what you're about to tell us is a life-changing thing?", Harry asked. 

"Because it is", Dad said. He looked at me and then looked at Harry. 

"Y/N, you know I'm not your father". 

"Yeah I know", I replied. 

"You and Harry are brother and sister", Dad declared. Harry and I looked at each other stunned. 



















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