Time Travel (Scorpius x Reader) Pt. 2

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A/N: You are Y/N Hermione Potter. You are a year younger than Albus, a year older than Lily, and three years younger than James. This takes place during your 4th year (Albus's 5th, James's 7th and Lily's 3rd). You are in Slytherin. By the way, Fred II is Freddie. Fred I is Fred. 


Scorpius opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of a door bursting open. We turned around and I came face to chest with a younger version of my dad. I then looked at Fred.

"Are you going to say it?", I asked.

"How about we say it together?", Fred replied. We silently counted off and.....




"Well, shit".

Scorpius' POV

I chuckled as I ruffled Y/N's hair.

"I told you to watch your profanity", I said. Y/N glanced up at me and glared at me playfully.

"Shut up Malfoy", She snapped, "It's not like you don't curse". I rolled my eyes and smirked. We looked into each other's eyes and (as cliché as it sounds) time froze. 

"Ahem". Y/N smirked and winked and looked away from me. I felt my cheeks heat up. I looked up and saw Albus, James, Hugo, and Teddy smirking at me. I blushed harder and looked away.

"Hello", Y/N said smiling at the familiar group of people. I looked around and saw younger versions of Grandpa and Grandma Weasley, George, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and McGonagall. I also saw Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasly I, Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape.

"Hi", Sirius said. Y/N smiled and walked forwards. Out of instinct, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back. 

"It's fine Scorp", Y/N said looking back at me. I nodded and let her go.

"Who are you?", the younger Harry asked. Y/N smiled.

"My name is Y/N Hermione Potter. I'm 14 and we're from the future. Nice to meet you".


They all looked at me shocked. I looked at them innocently.

"You named your daughter after me?", Hermione asked Dad shaking him excitedly.

"It seems so", young Dad asked.

"How?", George asked.

"Ask him", I said nodding my head towards James. They all turned to look at James. James took it as a hint to introduce himself.

"I'm James Sirius Potter", James said, "I'm the best Potter sibling and I'm 17". Albus, Lily, and I rolled our eyes. 

"You named your kid after me?", Sirius asked shaking young Dad who had literally just been let go by Hermione.

"I guess I did", Dad said in a daze. I signaled towards Lily with my eyes. She understood and stepped forward.

"I'm Lily Luna Potter", Lily said, "The best Potter sister and I'm 13". I rolled my eyes. She's turning into a mini James. I nudged Albus.

"I'm Albus Severus Potter", Albus said, "I'm 15".  

"You named your kid after Snivellus!", Sirius shouted.

"I'm standing right here", Snape said in a monotone. 

"Who's your mum?", young Mum asked.

"Ginny Weasley", James and I said dramatically. 

"You knocked up my sister four times?!", Ron shouted.

"Not cool Harry!", George shouted.

"Well, at least Ginny got her dream mans", Fred said. The other Weasley brothers glared at him.  Freddie then stepped forward and smirked.

"I'm Fred Weasley II and I'm 17", Freddie said, "How's it going?". Freddie looked between the two Weasley twins. Young Mum looked back and forth the two twins and everything clicked in her head.

"You're George's kid which means that Fred dies", young Mum stated. Everyone looks at her wide-eyed. I smiled and nodded.

"Why'd you tell them?", Teddy asked.

"Because what sense does it make to lie to them?", I said, "At least this way they know". Teddy shook his head but stepped forward. 

"My name is Teddy Lupin and I am 23", Teddy said looking down at me. I offered a small smile and I hugged his arm. Teddy smiled and mouthed 'Thanks sis'. 

"What the hell did you just say?", a voice snapped. I looked up as Teddy tensed and squeezed my shoulder. Victorie grabbed Teddy's other arm. 

"He said his name is Teddy Lupin", I snapped. I glared at Remus Lupin who looked back guiltily.

"Someone loved me enough to give me a son?", Remus asked hopefully and confused. My glare softened as I nodded. 

"He's standing right here, isn't he?", Victorie said. Remus looked at Teddy with a happy yet slightly worried look.

"No, I'm not a werewolf", Teddy muttered quietly. Remus then relaxed.

"Who is your mother?", Grandmum asked.

"Nymphadora Tonks", Teddy said looking up slightly. Tonks beamed and ran forward to hug Teddy. But her being Tonks, she tripped over her feet and fell taking me down with her. Teddy laughed awkwardly and helped his mum up and then me. Tonks hugged Teddy who started crying. I walked towards Remus and grabbed him by the arm. I dragged him over to Teddy and Tonks and shoved him towards them. Tonks pulled Remus into the hug as Teddy cried harder. Scorpius suddenly walked forward and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Malfoy", He said cooly, "Scorpius Malfoy. I'm 15". Harry and Ron looked at Scorp who was smirking at them and watching me from the corner of his eye...













"What's a fucking Malfoy doing with you lot?!!".

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