More Than Best Friends (Teddy x Reader)

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A/N: You are Harry's oldest daughter. You were born right after the battle of Hogwarts (May 4, 1998). So, we all know that Teddy isn't related to the Potters by blood. So, you are Y/N Minerva Potter. You are a few months younger than Teddy. You're both in Ravenclaw. I know he's a Hufflepuff, but I think I haven't written enough one-shots with the reader in Ravenclaw. This happens when you're both 16. 


I sighed as I plopped down next to Teddy. Teddy instantly put his arm around me and pulled me closer. Victoire looked at me jealously. It was no secret to anyone in the family that Victoire had a crush on Teddy.

"What's wrong N/N?", Teddy asked squeezing my shoulder. 

"I'm fine Teddy", I said, "Just stressed from prefect duties". Teddy smiled and rubbed my arm. 

"We'll get through it together", Teddy said leaning into me. He put his head on my shoulder. Victoire coughed and Teddy reluctantly pulled away from my shoulder. 

"Y/n, can I talk to you in private?", Victoire asked. I glanced at Teddy who tried not to groan. I looked back at Victoire and nodded. I stood up and followed her to our room. 

"What?", I asked. 

"How could you do that to me?!", Victoire shouted. Tears started streaming down her face. 

"What are you talking about?", I asked confused. 

"You know I like him", Victoire cried, "And you two are flirting in front of me". 

"Flirting? Me and Teddy?", I questioned, "What are you talking about?".

"Him putting his arm around you and putting his head on your shoulder", Victoire screamed, "He said, 'We'll get through it together' ".

"Teddy's just my best friend", I reassured her, "We don't see each other that way". Victoire rolled her eyes. 

"You're dense Y/N. You like him", Victoire snapped, "He likes you more than just friends too and you should take your chance with him before I snatch him from you". I look at Victoire and nod.

"You know for a 14-year-old, you are very mature for your age", I said before walking back towards the common room. 

Teddy's POV

I sighed as I waited for Y/N to come back. It's no secret that Victoire likes but I don't see her that way. 

"Teddy!", Y/N said wrapping her arms around my shoulders from behind. I felt myself blush. 

"Y/N!", I said mocking her. Y/N jumped over the back of the couch and sat next to me. The common room was empty by now so it was just us. 

"We need to talk", Y/N said turning to face me. I gulped and turned to face her. 

"About?", I asked nervously. 

"Us and our friendship", Y/N replied. 

"What about us?", I asked. 

"You're my best friend Teddy, but-", She trailed off. 

"But?", I asked. 

"I like you in a more than best friends way", Y/N said. I reached out and grabbed her arm. I pulled her onto my lap. Both of our faces turned red but I wasn't about to back down. 

"I like you in a more than best friends way too", I said. Y/N smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me. I hugged her back. She pulled back only to kiss me. I kissed back. 

"My dad's going to flip", Y/N said giggling as we pulled away. 

"He'll get used to it", I replied, "Besides, at least we know he's going to love me". We laugh and Y/N snuggles closer to me. 

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