Una Flor ( George x Reader)

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A/N: You are a Malfoy. You're Draco's twin sister. You know how to speak Spanish (This is important later). This takes place during your 4th year and George's 6th.


"Miss Malfoy", Snape's monotone voice interrupted my daze.

"Yes?", I asked.

"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office", Snape said. I nodded and stood up. I handed him my paper. As I walked towards the doors, I saw Draco looking at me concerned. I smiled at him and walked out. I never noticed the Weasley twins watching me.

Draco's POV

I was in line to hand in my paper behind the Weasley twins, Weasley, and Potter.

"Have you two asked anyone to the ball yet?", Weasley asked the twins.

"No", They said in sync, "But I have someone in mind".

"Who?", Potter asked.

"Angelina Johnson", Weasley twin #1 said.

"Y/N Malfoy", Weasley twin #2 said. Weasley #1 turned and looked at Weasley #2 in disbelief. I snickered. The four of them heard me because they turned around.

"What's so funny Malfoy?", Weasley asked.

"I find it funny that your brother thinks he can ask my sister out", I said.

"What's wrong with that?", Potter asked, "They're friends after all". 

"As if MY  sister would be friends with blood traitors like the Weasleys", I said.

"That's mean Draco", my sister's voice said. I turned around and saw her fiddling with the hem of her skirt.

"Don't tell me you're actually friends with them", I said. 

"They are my friends". Y/N looked at the floor and I looked at her in disbelief.

"My father will hear about this!", I said.

"You mean OUR  father, Draco", Y/N said.

"Not once he finds out", I said. I handed my paper in and walked away.


I sighed as Draco walked out of the Great Hall.

"I thought we were going to keep it a secret", George said. Fred and Ron looked in between the two of us.

"I told Harry because I...well...needed to tell someone", I said.

"I'm sorry Y/N", Harry said, "Now because of me, you'll get kicked out of your house".

"It's fine Harry", I said, "I'll figure it out".

"Y/N, I know this is not very good timing but would you go to the ball with me?", George asked. I nodded and hugged him. 

----Day of the ball----

I was getting ready with Hermione and Ginny. I looked at my reflection. I was wearing a simple black dress:

"Do you think it's too simple?", I asked Hermione and Ginny

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"Do you think it's too simple?", I asked Hermione and Ginny.

"I think you look stunning", Hermione said as she finished curling my long blonde hair.

"George'll love it", Ginny added. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Really?", I asked. Ginny nodded and I hugged them.

"Thank you".

George's POV

I waited for Y/N with Fred and Lee by the staircase. Malfoy was standing on the opposite side with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I told Father about Y/N", I heard Malfoy say.

"What did he say?", Goyle asked.

"He said he was going to send a howler as her present", Malfoy said. I growled under my breath. I walked as calmly as I could over to Malfoy and his friends. Without realizing it, I punched Malfoy in the gut. He cried in pain.

"Why would you do that to your sister?!", I shouted.

"What sister?", Malfoy asked.

"Y/N", I said.

"She's not my sister anymore", Malfoy said. I noticed that his eyes were filling with tears. I stepped back from him.

"What do you mean she isn't your sister anymore?", I asked. Malfoy was struggling to keep his tears in.

"Father disowned her because of you, Weasley!!", Malfoy spat. He had a few tears streaming down his face. He quickly wiped them away.

"What?", I whispered.

"I'm going now Weasley", Malfoy said. He walked away.

"Hey George", her voice said. I turned around and saw her in a black dress.

"Hey Love", I said pretending that talk with Malfoy never happened, "You look stunning".

"Thanks", she said. I offered her my arm and she took it. 

-----Time Skip: Towards the End of the Ball----

3rd Person

"And now we have a surprise for all of you", Dumbledore said standing up, "We have a special performance for you all. Miss Malfoy, please come up". Y/N stood up and walked towards the stage, where a piano magically appeared. She shakes hands with Dumbledore before sitting down at the piano.

"This song is for someone very special to me", she said, "I know he knows who he is". She playfully winks at George who blushes. Y/N looked down at the piano keys and begins to play:

George's face shows everything he was feeling as he watched her. He fell for the Malfoy heiress and he had fallen hard. When she finished, Y/N looked up and directly at George.

"I love you, George Weasley", Y/N said into the microphone. The crowd broke into applause as George ran to the stage but most importantly, to his soulmate. As the applause died down, George rushed onto the stage and hugged Y/N. 

"I love you too, Y/N Malfoy", George whispered. Y/N smiled and kissed George. The hall broke into applause once more.

"Una flor por el instante en que me enamore", Y/N whispered when they pulled apart.

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