Rivals In Love (Young! James x Reader)

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A/N: You are Lily's twin sister. You have the same emerald green eyes but different hair colors. You were sorted into Slytherin with your friend Severus Snape. You are Slytherin's first muggle-born.

James's POV

I walked down to the Quidditch pitch with the rest of the Gryffindor team and Lily. We soon ran into the Slytherin team. In the front stood Sirius's brother Regulus, Snivellus, Malfoy, and Y/N Evans. 

"If it isn't Potter", Y/N said. She smirked evilly. Her long wavy H/C hair was in a high ponytail. I'd be lying if I said she wasn't pretty (and that I didn't have a huge crush on her).

"Evans", I said. 

"Loony", She said, "Black". 

"Evans", Remus and Sirius reply. 

"Well Potter, my boy Regulus here is going to catch the snitch", Y/N said. She put her arm on Regulus's shoulder.

"No way", I said, "Remus will catch it first". Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Loony? Couldn't find anyone better Potter?", She asked. Her friends laughed and she smirked at them.

"I found the best", I said, "How about we make a bet?". This caught her attention.

"I'm listening", Y/N said.

"If Gryffindor wins, you have to kiss me", I said. I held out my hand.

"Deal", She said taking my hand, "But if Slytherin wins, you have to wear Slytherin robes for the next two months". My friends gasped in horror while her friends laughed.

"Deal", I said shaking her hand.

-----Time Skip: The Game----


"And Slytherin's star chaser: Y/N Evans steals the quaffle from James Potter and scores again", Severus said, "The score's 50-20". Severus got the commentator job instead of getting the chaser position. The Slytherins cheer.

"That's my favorite mudblood", Lucius shouted.

"I'm the only mudblood you actually like Malfoy", I shouted. I stole the quaffle again. I dodged the bludger that Black hit at me. I scored again.

"Another 10 points to Slytherin", Severus said, "Regulus Black and Remus Lupin are racing for the snitch". I continued scoring as Lupin and Regulus pushed each other to get the snitch. Black hit the bludger towards Regulus. I quickly threw the quaffle at another chaser and I took the bludger for Regulus.  I felt a sharp pain and then everything went black.

James's POV

"Y/N takes the bludger for Regulus", Snape said panicking slightly. 

"No!", I heard Lily shout. I turn around and see Y/N falling. I fly as fast as I can towards her. She's about to hit the ground but I catch her in time. I cradle her in my arms. I try not to cry as I carry her to the Hospital Wing.

----Time Skip----


"She's waking up", I heard Lucius say.

"What happened?", I ask rubbing my head.

"You took a bludger for Regulus", Severus replies, "You fell over 100 feet. You could have died if Potter didn't catch you". 

"As much as we hate the guy, we owe him for saving you", Lucius said in a monotone.

"I'm sorry Y/N", Regulus said, "I should have paid more attention".

"It wasn't your fault Reg", I said, "Besides, your one of my best friends. I have to protect you".

"I'm still sorry", Regulus said.

"Anyway, who won?", I asked.

"We did", Severus said, "Regulus caught the snitch after shoving Lupin into the stands". I cheered and hugged Regulus.

----Time Skip----

James's POV

It's been 3 days since Y/N got hit by the bludger. I punch Sirius for hurting her.

"Hey Prongs", Sirius said, "Look who's back". I turned around and saw Y/N, Regulus, Malfoy, and Snape. Lily had run over to Y/N and hugged her sister. 

"Potter", Y/N said. She walked over to me.

"What?", I asked.

"I won the bet", She said, "You know what that means". I sighed as Y/N took out her wand. She chanted a spell and my Gryffindor robes turned into Slytherin robes.

"Thanks", I said. I pouted without realizing. 

Was it bad that I really wanted to kiss her?

"Potter", Y/N said.

"What now?", I looked at her and she did something I thought would never happen. She KISSED me. It took me a few seconds to process what was happening. Then I kissed back. Sirius and Regulus wolf whistled and cheered. She pulled away.

"Thanks for saving me James", Y/N said. 

"Your welcome Y/N", I said in a daze.

"Well, see you around", She said turning around. She started walking towards her friends.

"Y/N, wait!", I shouted.

"Yes, James?", She replied turning back towards me.

"Hogsmeade next weekend?", I asked hopefully. Y/N smiled a little.

"Sure", Y/N said. She then walked away with her friends.

"Who would have guessed", Sirius began.

"That the two rivals would be in love", Remus continued.

"Sounds like something from an anime", Peter said.

"More like something from a fanfiction", Lily added.

"Shut up", I said smiling brightly. 

A Slytherin and a Gryffindor are rivals in love.

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