My Favorite Muggle-Born (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: You are Hermione's twin sister. You are in Slytherin.


I walked down the halls with the Weasley twins.

"You okay, N/N?", Fred asked.

"Yeah, you have a nasty bruise under your eye", George added.

"I'm fine", I said, "Parkinson just punched me for no reason".

"That bruise doesn't seem like no reason", George said.

"You should see the one I gave her", I said shrugging, "She had no reason to punch me though. What did I ever do to her?".

"Maybe because you hang out with Malfoy", Fred said.

"Yeah, you seem to be his favorite person", George added.

"No way!", I said. I felt my cheeks heating up. I suddenly bumped into someone and fell back. 

"Watch where you're go-Oh it's you", a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Draco.

"Hello to you too", I said. Draco rolled his eyes and held his hand out towards me. I smiled and took his hand. Draco pulled me up with ease. He suddenly cupped my cheek. I felt myself blush as he pulled my face towards his. Draco examined the bruise under my eye. 

"Who did this to you?", Draco asked. His stormy grey eyes looked directly into my (e/c) ones.

"It doesn't matter", I said, "I took care of it". 

"Tell me who", Draco said.

"Parkinson", I said. 

"She's gonna pay", Draco muttered. He turned around and started walking away.

"Dray! Where are you going?!", I shouted. I ran after him.

"I'll see you two later!!".

"Go find your boyfriend", Fred and George shouted back. I blushed but kept running. 

Draco's POV

I found Pansy talking to Greengrass.

"Drakie", Pansy cried, "Did you want something?". 

"Did you give Y/N a bruise?", I asked.

"Maybe I did", Pansy said, "Why do you care anyway?".

"I care because she's my best friend", I said.

"But she's a filthy mudblood", Pansy spat.

"But she's my mudblood", I said, "And no one's going to hurt her". 

"Which mudblood are we talking about?", Pansy asked.

"The mudblood we're talking about is Y/N", I said. Pansy smirked and pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Y/N. She looked heart-broken. We locked eyes before she turned around and ran away.

"Oh, I guess her best friend called her a foul name", Pansy said. My hands curled into fists.

"This is your fault, you pug-faced bitch", I snapped at her.  I ran in the direction Y/N had run off in.


"He called me a mudblood, Hermy", I said. Tears streamed down my face. 

"He's just being stupid", Hermione said, "Don't pay attention to him".

"Yeah, Malfoy's just being a bloody git", Ron said. I giggled and wiped my tears.

"I guess you're right", I said. Harry leaned towards me.

"Do you like Malfoy?", Harry asked. This caught our friends' attention.

"Yeah Y/N", Fred began.

"Do you like Malfoy?", George finished.

"N-No", I stuttered. My face was bright red. Hermione and Ginny smirked.

"You totally do!", Ginny squealed. My face turned redder (if that's even possible).

"I-I don't", I stuttered.

"Yes, you do", Hermione said. I hid my face in my arms as my friends laughed.

----Time Skip----

I walked into the common room to find Draco. I tried to go to my dorm without him noticing.

"Y/N", Draco said. I flinched and turned around.

"What?", I asked.

"I'm sorry", Draco said.

"What?", I asked confused. I walked over to him. I sat down next to him.

"I didn't mean to call you a mudblood", Draco said.

"You still said it Dray", I said.

"I-I", Draco began. He looked at his feet.

"That really hurt Dray", I whispered, "Mostly because it came from you". I heard small whimpers and sobs. I looked at Draco to find him crying. 

"I-I'm sorry", Draco whimpered.

"Dray", I said. He struggled to wipe his tears. 

"I-I'm sorry N/N", Draco said. 

"Dray, come here", I said. I held my arms out towards him. Draco obeyed and I hugged him tightly. He instantly wrapped his arms around me. Draco buried his face in my shoulder. 

"I'm so sorry", Draco whimpered. 

"Dray", I said.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you", Draco said, "Don't leave me".

"Shhh, it's okay", I said, "It's okay Dray". His cries slowly stopped. 

"Don't leave me", Draco said.

"Wouldn't dream of it", I said.

"You're my favorite muggle-born", Draco said.

"I'm the only muggle born you like", I said giggling.

"True", Draco said. I giggled and Draco nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"You're my favorite pure-blood", I said. Draco didn't reply. I looked down and saw him fast asleep. I blushed and kissed the top of his head. A small smile appeared on his face.

"I love you Y/N", Draco muttered in his sleep.

"I love you too, Dray", I said.

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