Mischief Managed (Malfoy's Sister )

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A/N: This is actually a chapter from my book Malfoy's sister. So, if you haven't read it, you can read the whole book. I just really liked this chapter.

Harry's POV

"Have you seen Y/N?", I asked.

"Sorry Harry", Neville said, "I haven't". I sighed and looked around more.

"Have you seen Y/N?", I asked.

"Sorry Harry", Lavender said, "We haven't seen her". She and Parvati walked away.

"Have any of you seen Y/N?", I asked again.

"Sorry Potter", Malfoy said, "I haven't seen her all day. When you find her though, tell her big brother wants to talk". Malfoy walked away with Crabbe and Goyle. I sighed and continued my search for my girlfriend. Ron and Hermione were sitting in the common room when I got back. Hermione was talking to Ginny.

"Couldn't find her?", Ron asked. I shook my head.

"Looking for Y/N?", Ginny said. I nodded.

"She hasn't come here Harry", Hermione said.

"I saw her earlier with Fred and George", Ginny said.

"Thanks Ginny!", I said running out of the common room.


"Who's next?", I asked the twins. My eyes were full of mischief.

"Let's go to Hogsmeade", George said.

"Yeah, we need more supplies", Fred said. I nodded in agreement. I jumped onto George's back.

"Let's go Gred and Feorge!", I shouted. George walked with Fred following. We snuck out of Hogwarts and headed into the small village. We got butterbeer and when to the joke shop. We came back to Hogwarts with arms full of bags of candy and pranking supplies.

"So I think we should get your brother next", George said.

"Yes! Let's prank my other big brother", I said excitedly.

"Other?", the twins asked in sync.

"Yeah other!", I said, "You two are my brothers too".

"Thanks", They said, "Little Sister". We laughed and they hugged me.

"Anyway, let's get pranking!", I shouted.

"Yeah!!", They cheered. We switched Draco's hair gel for super glue. I had 'borrowed' Harry's cloak. We silently laughed as Draco panicked when he couldn't get his hands out of his hair. After we pranked Draco, Fred and George picked other people. In total, we had gotten 11 people, 3 ghosts, Fang, and a Peeves. First we got Hagrid and Fang. Then we got Snape and McGonagall. After them, we got the Bloody Baron, Nick, and the Gray Lady. After those three, we got Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy and after them we got Ron, Ginny, and Hermione. Then Dumbledore and finally Peeves. It was hilarious.

"Let's get Harry next", George said. Fred and I nodded in excitement. We set off looking for Harry.

"Have you seen Y/N?", Harry asked. We smirked and turned the corner. There was Harry and Cedric. The three of us split up.

"Target in sight", Fred said.

"Roger that", I said. What? We bought walkie-talkies. The ones that are headsets too.

"Also we have another target", George said. The three of us smirked.

"Pretty-Boy Diggory", We said in sync. We quickly set up a prank and I called out to them.

"Harry! Cedric! I need help!", I said. George was pretending to attack me.

"N/N!", They shouted. They fell into our trap. They tripped over a string and buckets of paint fell over their heads. I laughed and fell to the ground. The twins helped me stand up.

"Mischief Managed!!", We shouted and highfived each other.

"Y/N", I heard Cedric and Harry say, "Fred! George! Come here!". We yelped.

"Gred! Feorge! Run!", I shouted.

"You don't need to tell us twice!", They shouted in sync. The three of us ran in the same direction.

"Come face your punishments!", Cedric and Harry shouted after us.

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