Sorry (Draco x Reader)

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A/N: I have been really into the whole Malfoy x Weasley mood right now, haven't I? Anyway, you are Ginny's younger twin sister and you are the first Weasley to be in Slytherin. This is in Draco's POV.


I sat bored in the Great Hall as the Sorting took place. I looked up to see two girls left.

"Ginevra Weasley!", McGonagall called out. One of the Weasley girls stepped up. She sat on the stool and McGonagall placed the hat on her head.

"Gryffindor!!", the hat shouted. Of course, the Weasleys belong in Gryffindor. I rolled my eyes as Crabbe and Goyle laughed.

"Y/N Weasley", McGonagall readout when the Gryffindors stopped clapping. The second Weasley girl walked up. She was fiddling with the pendant around her neck. A snake, how strange. The hat and she started talking. They were arguing about something. This took longer than Potter's sorting did last year. Finally, the Weasley girl gave in.

"Better be Slytherin!!", the hat shouted. The Weasleys gasped as the younger Weasley walked over nervously to my table.

"Hey Weasley", I found myself shouting. She looked up surprised.

"Come sit with me". She smiled shyly and walked over to me and my friends. Goyle scooted over to let her sit next to me.

"They're going to hate me", Y/N said as the food appeared. She looked towards the Gryffindor table where her brothers and sister were. Her twin sister was looking back at her. Y/N gave her a small smile and looked away. I surprised myself by placing my hand on her head. She looked up at me with her big (e/c) eyes.

"Your siblings won't hate you", I said, "They love you too much". Y/N smiled and hugged me. I stiffened slightly. I awkwardly hugged her back.

"Thanks, Malfoy", She whispered.

"You're welcome, Weasley", I said, "Now let's eat before it gets cold".

-----Present Time----

"Drakie, when are you going to ask me to the Yule Ball?", Pansy asked for the hundredth time.

"I'm not going to ask you Pansy so drop it", I snapped. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Y/N started laughing. Pansy flushed embarrassed and she huffed.

"Has anyone asked you yet, Y/N?", Blaise asked when they stopped laughing. I sat up straight causing them to look at me.

"What?". Blaise and Y/N rolled their eyes.

"To answer your question Blaise, I have been asked multiple times", Y/N said.

"By who?", I demanded.

"Harry, Cedric, Dean, Seamus, Adrian, Greg, Vince, and Blaise", Y/N said. I turned and I glared at my friends.

"You guys asked her?", I snapped. The three of them nodded.

"What's wrong with that?", Y/N asked.

"I don't want you to go with these three", I said.

"I'm not going with them", Y/N said, "I'm going with Harry".

"Potter!! I don't want you to go with Potter!!", I said.

"It doesn't matter what you want Draco", Y/N snapped.

"It does matter. I'm your best friend!", I shouted.

"Just because you're my best friend it doesn't mean you can control my life!!", Y/N shouted.

"But-", I started.

"You're not my brother Draco!", Y/N said cutting me off.

"If it weren't for me, everyone in Slytherin would hate you", I shouted glaring at her, "You wouldn't have any friends because you're nothing but a useless Weasley. A blood traitor!!".

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