Who's Girl? (James Sirius x Reader x Albus Severus) Pt. 2

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A/N: This is part 2 of Who's Girl? For the sake of this one-shot, Tonks and Remus lived. Anyway, you are Teddy's little sister. You are in Hufflepuff. You are Albus' age. Also, Teddy is the Defense Against the Dark Arts.


Teddy's POV

"Good job Al!", Y/N cheered as she ran over and hugged Albus. Al's face lit up as he hugged her back. James pouts and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What about me?", James mumbled quietly. Y/N smiled and pulled away from Albus. She held her arms out towards James. James smiled brightly and ran into her arms picking her up. Y/N giggled and ruffled James's hair.

"Good job Dimples", Y/N said. Once he put her down, Y/N kisses both James and Albus on their cheeks. They blushed as Y/N grabbed my arm and pulled me away with Scorpius following behind.

"Bad Y/N", Scorp scolded, "You shouldn't play with their emotions". Y/N laughed.

"Maybe they'll make an effort now", Y/N said winking.

"When did you grow up?", I asked her.

"While you were busy teaching and screwing around with Vic", She replied causing me to blush and Scorpius to snicker.

Albus's POV

"Ha! She kissed my cheek", James said. He smirked at me.

"I got one first", I snapped. James glared at me as I chuckled. I started walking towards the Great Hall with James following close behind. 

----Mini Time Skip----

I was about to sit next to Y/N, but James shoved me out of the way and took my seat. I glared at him as Teddy picked me up by the collar and dropped me on the seat next to him. I grumbled and put a glob of mash potatoes on my plate. I heard Y/N's laugh and I snapped my head towards her and James. 

"James, that's stupid", Y/N said giggling. 

"It's not", James said.

"It really is James", Rose said. 

"I wasn't talking to you, Rose", James said. I rolled my eyes and blocked out James's annoying voice and watching Y/N. Her laugh was adorable. A few small little snorts escaping her lips sometimes. There were crinkles by her eyes when she smiled and they shone brightly. 

"She's so cute", I whispered. 

"Did you just called my little sister cute?", Teddy asked. I blushed and averted my eyes from Teddy. 

"Maybe", I muttered.

"You sure are dense Teddy", Lily chimed in. 

"Shut up Lily", I said burying my face in my arms. Teddy nudged me. I looked up.

"You may have a better chance with Y/N", Teddy whispered, "My dad prefers Y/N with you over James".

"I don't know Teddy", I said, "How do I win her over?". 

"Get her that dress she's been looking at", Teddy whispered, "And ask her to the spring fling".

"Thanks for the idea, Teddy", I said standing up.

"You're welcome", Teddy said.

----Time Skip----


I woke up to the sound of peaking on my window. I walked over half asleep, leaned over my desk and opened it. Albus's owl Hedwig II flew in. 

"Hey Hedwig", I said, "What's up?". She dropped a beautifully wrapped box on my desk. I carefully unwrapped it to reveal the beautiful yellow dress I had seen in Diagon Alley:

 I carefully unwrapped it to reveal the beautiful yellow dress I had seen in Diagon Alley:

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I peeked into the box and pulled out a note:

You are the prettiest flower in the garden. I want to ask you to be mine. Meet me in the courtyard.

I looked out the window as Hedwig flew away. I felt confused. Do I say yes to Albus? Did I like Albus or James?

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A twist:

Thank you for corporating. More one-shots are on the way.

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