It's Love (Scorpius x Reader) Pt. 3

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A/N: You are Rose's twin sister; Y/N Nymphadora Granger-Weasley. You are in Ravenclaw. Warning: There are hints towards self-harm in this one-shot. This one-shot is explaining the events that happened before It's Love Pt. 2. 


Rose and Hugo rushed off the train towards Dad. I'm guessing Mum had extra things to do at the Ministry. 

"Hey Rosie", Dad said, "Hugo!". He hugged Rose and Hugo. I awkwardly stood a few feet away from them. When their hug broke, Dad looked at me smiling. 

"Come here N/N", Dad said. I gave Dad a small smile before hugging him. Once we pulled away, he guided the three of us to the car.

----Time Skip----

"So what happened with Malfoy?", Dad asked. 

"He claimed to be in love with Y/N and that I was just a distraction", Rose said tearing up.

"He was playing with both of our feelings", I whispered but it went unnoticed by Dad and Rose. Hugo on the other hand noticed. He gave me a small smile before helping Dad comfort a crying Rose. I sighed and slipped out unnoticed and up to my room. I opened my drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors. 

"They care more about Rose", I whispered, "Might as well cope by myself".

----Time Skip: Two Months Later----

Hugo's POV

I walked into Y/N's room without knocking. 

"Y/N, it's time for dinner", I said. I looked up to find her holding a pair of bloody scissors. Her wrist was dripping with blood. 

"What are you doing?". She looked up and dropped the scissors.

"Hugo, I-", Y/N began.

"What are you doing?!", I repeated. I quickly ran over and picked up the scissors. I shoved them into my pocket. I rushed into the bathroom Rose and Y/N shared. I pulled out the First Aid kit and grabbed the bandages. 

"I'm sorry", Y/N sobbed. I sighed as I wrapped the bandages around her wrist.

"Y/N, just promise me you won't do it again", I said.

"I promise Hugo". 

----A few days later----


The five of us sat at the dinner table. 

"Draco grounded Scorpius after he found out what he did to you Rose", Mum said.

"Mum, he hurt Y/N too", Hugo said. I smiled at him.

"But I got used as a distraction", Rose said. I looked at Rose and gave her a sad look.

"At least you got to feel his love, Rose", I muttered. Rose glared at me.

"He would have loved me if you hadn't liked him", Rose said.

"Are you saying it's my fault?", I snapped at her. 

"Yes", Rose said.

"Why? It's not my fault", I said.

"You take everything away, Y/N", Rose snapped, "I wish I wasn't a twin".

"You wish you didn't exist?".

"No, I wish you didn't exist", Rose said bursting into tears. Both Mum and Dad stood up and rushed over to comfort Rose. I stood up silently grabbing a knife and then walking towards the bathroom. I closed the door and sat on the floor. Without hesitating, I dragged the knife over my wrist. Before I could make a second cut, the bathroom door burst opened and Hugo snatched the knife from my hand. He pulled some bandages out of his pocket kneeling down in front of me. 

"You promised me you wouldn't hurt yourself again, Y/N", Hugo said as he wrapped my wrist carefully.

"I'm sorry Hu", I said, "Rose just makes herself look like the victim". Hugo nodded finishing wrapping the bandage before standing up and walking out.

"Hugo? Where are you going?". I ran out after him. In the kitchen, our parents were still comforting Rose. He slammed his hands down on the table causing them to look up.

"How dare you pay more attention to Rose than to Y/N!!", Hugo shouted, "Y/N needs more attention than Rose! She's cutting herself and you two don't even notice!".

"Hugo stop, it's okay", I whispered.

"No Y/N, it's not okay". He turned back to our parents and Rose.

"You are being shitty parents to Y/N!", Hugo shouted, "Stop giving Rose attention. Rose isn't cutting herself. Y/N is! Y/N is more important than Rose right now! Stop being fucking idiots and do your job. Help her, and if you don't, I'll steal your money and do it myself". They stood in silence as I wrapped my arms around Hugo.

"You're the best little brother anyone could ever ask for", I whispered.

"You don't deserve this shit, Y/N", Hugo said. I smiled at him.

----Mini Time Skip---- 

Hugo and I walked down Diagon Alley with Albus and Lily. 

"Y/N!". I turned around to find Newt running towards us. I stopped and waited for him to catch up.

"Will you go out with me?", Newt asked panting slightly. I thought about it for a moment. Newt is not Scorpius Malfoy. Newt wouldn't do anything so sick. 

"I'd love to, Newt", I said. I kissed his cheek before rushing to catch up to my brother and cousins. I glanced back to find Newt holding a hand to his cheek blushing and smiling like an idiot.

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