Quidditch Queen (Oliver x Reader)

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A/N: You are Percy's twin sister and you are in Slytherin. This one-shot was requested by ReadHairedWriter  (Thanks for the request). You are Slytherin's Quidditch team captain (Sorry Flint [Not Really]).

Oliver's POV

I sat at the Gryffindor table with the Gryffindor team, Hermione, Ron, and Percy. My eyes drifted to the Slytherin table and landed on a certain redhaired girl. She laughed at a joke Pucey made. I smiled as I watched her laugh. 

"Wood, stop staring at our sister", Fred and George said. Percy stopped talking with Hermione and turned his attention towards me and the twins.

"What did you just say, Fred? George?", Percy asked.

"We said", George began.

"Wood, stop staring at our sister", Fred finished.

"Which sister?", Percy asked.

"Obviously Ginny, Perce", George said with sarcasm.

"Really?", Percy asked.

"No, you idiot! He was staring at Y/N", George said, "You're smart but stupid".

"Oliver, stay away from Y/N", Percy said.

"You can't protect her forever Percy", Ron said.

"Yeah", Fred said, "She's growing up". 

"Sod off", Percy said.

----Time Skip----


"Alright guys, listen up!", I shouted in the locker room. 

"What Weasley?", Malfoy asked. 

"Respect her Malfoy", Marcus said.

"Yeah, you're on her team", Adrian added.

"Moving on", I said, "We will crush those Gryffindors".

"Yeah!!", the team cheered.

"We'll win the cup again this year no matter what it takes", I said.

"Yeah!!", the boys cheered again.

"Here's the game plan boys", I said, "Beaters aim the bludgers at the chasers but when the snitch shows up, aim for Potter".

"Yes Captain", the beaters said.

"Marcus and Adrian", I said, "We make a great team the three of us, so we make sure we score as much as we can. Help one another".

"Yes ma'am", Marcus and Adrian said saluting me. The team laughed.

"Bletchley, you are a better keeper than Oliver Wood", I said, "Block every single shot".

"Got it, Weasley", Bletchley said.

"Malfoy!!", I shouted. He surprisingly straightened up slightly frightened.

"Yes, ma'am?", Malfoy said nervously.

"You better catch the snitch before Harry Potter", I said, "Or I'll make you regret it. Do you understand?". He gulped.

"Yes ma'am", Malfoy said.

"Alright! We lose this game, I will punish each and every one of you!!", I shouted, "Do I make myself clear?!!". The team gulped and nodded.

"Yes, ma'am!", the team shouted.

"Let's go kick some Gryffindor ass", I said. The team cheered in agreement.

3rd Person

"The Quaffle is in Slytherin's possession", Lee Jordan was commenting again.

"Flint passes the Quaffle to Pucey who scores. 10 points to Slytherin". The Slytherins cheered and the Gryffindors groan.

----Time Skip: The End of the Match----

Y/N flew at Johnson who had the Quaffle. Y/N shoved her and she dropped the Quaffle.

"Johnson drops the Quaffle and Captin Y/N Weasley steals the Quaffle", Lee said, "What an attractive girl she is and an amazing chaser. You know you have your eyes on her, Oliver Wood". Oliver's face turns red as does Y/N's.

"JORDAN!", Professor McGonagall shouts.

"Sorry Professor", Lee said, "Weasley dodges a bludger sent her way by George Weasley. She heads to the goalposts".

"I'm not letting you score this time, Love", Oliver said.

"You don't have to let me, Olly", Y/N said, "I already did". 

"Huh? When?", Oliver asks.

"Now", Y/N says as she throws the Quaffle through the hoop. The bell rings and the Slytherins cheer.

"Another 10 points to Slytherin by the Quidditch Queen: Y/N Weasley", Lee said, "The score is 60-0". Suddenly, Harry and Draco speed towards something.

"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy spotted the snitch and are racing for it", Lee comments. The beaters as instructed aim the bludgers at Harry. Fred hits one towards his sister who has the Quaffle. Y/N throws the Quaffle at Adrian and takes the bludger. She falls off her broom. George hits the other towards Adrian.

"Tough blow for Slytherin", Lee says, "Y/N was knocked off her broom by a bludger hit by Fred Weasley". 

"FRED WEASLEY!! IF Y/N DIES, I'LL MURDER YOU AND SO WILL MUM!!", Percy shouts through Lee's microphone. Fred and George start flying towards their sister who is still falling. To everyone's surprise, Oliver ditches his position and catches Y/N.

"Wood leaves his post allowing Pucey to score", Lee says. The beaters hit the bludgers at Harry. One of them hits Harry's broom causing him to go off course. Draco reaches out and catches the snitch.

"Draco Malfoy has caught the snitch", Lee says, "Slytherin wins! 210-0". The Slytherins cheer as the teams fly down.


Oliver flies down and gently sets me down.

"Thanks for catching me, Olly", I said.

"No problem, Love", Oliver said, "And might I say, you, my dear, are quite the catch". I shove him playfully. I turn my attention then to my team.

"You guys are awesome", I said, "Nice job Malfoy". I kiss his cheek and wink at him. Malfoy blushes and hands me the snitch. Marcus and Adrian pull me onto their shoulders. They walked to the school carrying me.

"Move peasants", Marcus shouts as the Slytherin team bursts into the Great Hall.

"Quidditch Queen coming through", Adrian shouted. I laugh as the boys carry me to the Slytherin table. The doors open again and the Gryffindor team walks in. Halfway through dinner, Oliver walks over to the Slytherin table with Percy and the twins behind him. He jumps onto the Slytherin table in front of me.

"Y/N Weasley the Quidditch Queen, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?", Oliver shouted. I blush and look around. The whole hall was watching us.

"Say yes! Say yes!", The Slytherin team, Fred, and Geroge started chanting. Soon the whole hall (and teachers), started chanting it. I rolled my eyes and jumped onto the table in front of him.

"Let her answer!", Marcus and Adrian shout. The hall quiets down.

"Yeah, I'll go on a date with you Olly", I said. Oliver smiled and hugged me. He spun me around hitting Adrian's plate of mashed potatoes into Marcus' lap.

"Hey!", Marcus and Adrian shout. Oliver looks towards them.

"Sorry Flint, Pucey", Oliver said. He turns back to me and kisses me. Wolf-whistles fill the Great Hall. I pull away and we smile at each other.

"I hate to interrupt", Professor McGonagall said, "But detention Mr. Wood and Ms. Weasley".

"For what?", Oliver asked.

"Standing on school property", Professor McGonagall replies. Oliver rolls his eyes and groans. He meets my eyes and we burst out laughing.

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