Freak (George x Reader)

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The Sorting:

"Y/N L/N", Professor McGonagall finally called me. I walked to the front of the Great Hall. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all already sorted into Gryffindor. I nervously walked to the sorting stool. Professor McGonagall put the hat on my head. It was so big that it fell over my eyes. 

"Ahhh, you have plenty of courage", said a voice in my head. 

"Really?", I asked.

"Gryffin-", it began, "Wait".

"What is it?", I asked.

"You also have an intelligent mind", the Sorting Hat said, "Gryffinclaw!". It had shouted the last words out to the whole hall. I heard a murmur of confused voices. 

3rd Year:

It's been 3 years since I was sorted into a house that doesn't exist. It's been fine really. I mean I have two common rooms and dorm rooms. But it did come with a price. I get bullied a lot. Mostly from one person:

"Hey! Freak!", Malfoy's voice called out. I cringed a little. I hurriedly walked with Hermione, Ginny, and Luna behind me.

"Ignore him Y/N", Hermione said.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?", I said without turning back. I bumped into someone.

"Are you okay?", asked George Weasley. George just happened to be my crush.

"I'm fine", I said taking the hand he was offering. He pulled me up on my feet. 

"Y/N, we should go before-", Luna started but was cut off.

"Weirdo!", Malfoy said, "Are you a Gryffindork or a Raven-nerd?". Luna, Ginny, and Hermione left to find Harry and Ron. I looked down at the ground. My silence seemed to be what he wanted. 

"Listen Weirdo, I personally think you should have been sent home. I mean now that I think about it, you are worst than dirt", Malfoy said.

"And why is that?", I asked silently regretting asking.

"Let's see. You're a filthy mudblood and belong to a house that doesn't exist", Malfoy said. 

"I-I don't give a damn what you think Malfoy", I stuttered.

"You should though. I'm a pureblood and you're just mudblood scum", Malfoy said. 

"And you're just a pathetic idiot", I replied. Malfoy took that insult seriously. He pushed me hard enough that I fell and hit the wall behind me. I winced and rubbed my head. I knew the tears were streaming down my cheeks. I suddenly heard Malfoy scream in pain. I looked up to find that George had punched Malfoy in the stomach. He raised his fist to hit him again. I had forgotten George was standing there. 

"G-George stop", I said. I tried to stand up to stop him but I sank back down to the floor. I couldn't bear the pain in my head. George then focused his attention on me. Crabbe and Goyle who had been frozen in place picked up Malfoy and ran to Snape's classroom. 

"Y/N, are you okay?", George asked as he kneeled down next to me. 

"I-I'm fine", I said giving him a small smile. 

"No you're not", George said, "You can't even stand". Before I could reply, I heard Fred's voice.

"Georgie, we got to go to practice. Wood's gonna kill us if we're late again", Fred said a few feet away from us. 

"Go ahead George", I said, "Hermione and the girls will get here soon anyway".

"No! I'm not going to leave you here. I'm taking you to the Hospital Wing", George said. He lifted me up bridal-style. 

"G-George", I said blushing slightly, "Wood's gonna kill you". 

"I don't care. Y/N, you're more important", George said. He walked towards Fred who was leaning against the wall. 

"Finally Georgie-", Fred stopped talking when he saw George carrying me.

"What happened?".

"Malfoy happened", George replied with a darkened expression.

"That little bit-", Fred started. 

"I'm fine really", I said cutting Fred off. 

"I'm taking her to the Hospital Wing. Go to practice and tell Wood that I'm running a little late", George said. Before I could protest, George walked away. 

"G-George, everyone's staring", I said.

"So?", George said. 

"What if they think I'm your girlfriend?", I asked.

Merlin, Y/N there are worst things in life", George said, "You sure talk a lot more than Ginny". 

"Hey!", I said, "That is not true!". He burst out laughing.

When we got to the Hospital Wing, Madam Pomfrey pointed to a bed far from Malfoy.  Apparently, Snape told Goyle and Crabbe to bring Malfoy up here too. George gently placed me down.

"Thanks, George", I said smiling at him, "But you should go or Wood's going to kill you".

"You know Y/N, Olly isn't as evil as Fred makes him sound", George said. I giggled as Hermoine, Luna, Ginny, Ron, and surprisingly Harry and Fred walked over. By walked over I mean rushed over. 

"Y/N! Are you hurt?", Hermione asked looking for injuries. 

"Relax Hermione! She's fine", Ron said, "Do you know who gave Malfoy a black eye and a bruise on his stomach?". I looked over at George to find him smirking.

"He's that hurt?", George asked.

"Yeah! Do you know who did it? I want to hug them", Ron said. George held his arms out to his younger brother.

"Wait, you did that?!", Ron asked.

"I don't understand why he did it though", I said.

"I did it because Malfoy was being an asshole to you", George said. 

"Why do you care?", I asked, "I wasn't aware you saw this freak".

"You're not a freak and I care because-", he trailed off.

"Because?", I asked. 

"Because I love you", George said. A faint blush was on his face.

"I don't believe you", I said. George suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me towards him. Our lips were only centimeters apart.

"I don't care if you believe me or not", George said, "I know how I feel about you". He closed the small distance between us and kissed me. I could feel myself blush.  I heard Harry and Ron clear their throats. George reluctantly pulled away. 

"About damn time", Fred and Ginny said.

I know it's not the best but it's better than the other one.

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