Do You Love Me? (Tom Riddle x Reader) Pt.2

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A/N: This is part 2 of What is This Feeling? So, for the sake of this one-shot, the Marauders era and Tom Riddle's era are the same era. You are Harry's older sister (The Girl Who Lived). You are a Gryffindor. By the way, Tom Riddle is going to be out of character because he's learning how to love someone.


I walked down the hall with Lily and James. 

"So, how are things going between you two?", I asked. Lily and James looked at each other and blushed.

"It's been going well", Lily said.

"Yeah, I already have names picked out for our future kids", James said. I laughed as Lily blushed harder.

"What are the names?", I asked.

"I decided to name our son Harry James", James said, "And our daughter Y/N Lily after you". 

'If only you knew', I thought. 

"I actually like those names", Lily said. The two of them start talking about their future together. I sighed and decided to leave them alone. As I walked away, I was deep in thought. 

'Will I ever love someone like Mum loves Dad?', I thought. Tom appeared in my mind. I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my head. I was too deep in thought to notice someone in front of me. I bumped into someone. I started falling back and the person I bumped into had wrapped their arms around my waist steadying me.

"You okay Y/N?", Sirius asked. 

"I'm fine", I said.

Tom's POV

I was walking down the hall looking for Y/N. As I turned the corner, I saw Black holding Y/N's waist. 

'Did I feel jealous?', I thought, 'Of course not! She's just a friend. Right?'. I shook my head and rushed towards them. Y/N looked up.

"Hey, Tom", Y/N said. She smiled at me but it quickly faded when she saw my frown.

"What's wrong?". Black decided to give us some space and walked off.

"Why were you with Black?!", I shouted. Y/N flinched because I never yell at her.

"I bumped into him and he caught me before I could fall", Y/N said. Overwhelmed with emotions, I reached out towards her and cupped her cheek. I pulled her towards me.

"Tom?!", Y/N said. I smiled at her sweetly. I sighed.

"Why do you make feel this way?", I asked.


"What?", I stared at Tom in disbelief.

"Why do you make my heart race? Why did my heart hurt when I saw you with Black?", Tom asked. His eyes were full of confusion. My heart was beating so fast, I thought it might burst. My mind was racing just as fast as my heart. Something suddenly clicked in my head.

"Tom, do you love me?", I asked. Tom's eyes widened and he looked away from me.

"Love you?", Tom asked.

"Yeah, do you love me?", I asked. Tom looked at the ground.

"I don't know what love is", Tom admitted.

"Tom, look at me please", I said. Tom turned to look at me. I leaned up onto my tip-toes and kissed him on the lips. Tom stiffed and for a second I thought he was going to pull away. After a second, Tom kissed back. I pulled away and I saw the dazed look in his eyes and his flushed cheeks.

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