Tough Love (Harry x Lyra)

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by _stellastyless, by the way, I'm sorry. I forgot to ask what eye color you wanted and I apologize in advance if it is terrible. Thank you for the request. Your name is Lyra Lestrange. You're in Slytherin.

Harry's POV

I walked into the Great Hall and plopped down next to Ron facing the Hufflepuff table. Lyra Lestrange the prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts was talking cheerfully with Cedric Diggory. She twirled a strand of platinum blonde around her finger. Her dark hair had platinum blonde and dark brown streaks. Her eyes were silver like Malfoy's, but unlike Malfoy's, her eyes were full of warmth.

"Harry, stop drooling over Lestrange", Ron said snapping me out of my trance. 

"Huh?". I looked over at him.

"I was saying that Malfoy keeps looking at Hermione", Ron said angrily. I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell her that you like her", I said. 

"Are you crazy?!", Ron asked, "What if she doesn't like me back?!".

"Well, then I guess Malfoy can take Hermione for himself", I said.

"How dare you support Malfoy instead of me!!", Ron exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and shifted my gaze back onto Lyra. 

"Dude, please just shut up", I snapped at Ron.

"What?! Why?!", Ron asked.

"So I can stare at Lyra in peace". I looked up and at her only to find her glaring at me. I quickly averted my gaze from her. Ron snickered as I began eating my fries and chicken sandwich. I looked up at him and glared throwing a fry at him. Ron then looked at the chicken leg in his hand before bringing it to his mouth.

"I'm sorry my precious", Ron whispered to the chicken leg before throwing it at me. I gasped.

"Did Ron Weasley just throw a chicken leg?", I asked. He rolled his eyes and picked up another one.

Lyra's POV

"Harry's looking at you again", Cedric said.

"Does it look like I care?", I snapped at him. He held up his hands defensively.

"I'm just saying. I mean I thought you liked him", Cedric said. I rolled my eyes.

"You're delusional Diggory", I said. 

"I'm not Lestrange", Cedric said smiling innocently, "I know you like him".

"Why would I like an idiot like Harry Potter, Ced?", I asked.

"Because Ly, you think he's cute", Cedric said nudging me. I huffed and crinkled my nose.

"He wishes", I said poking my treacle tart with my fork. Cedric snickered shaking his head and stuffing his chocolate pudding in his mouth. 

----Mini Time Skip: The Next Day----

I walked out of the Library with the book I need for my Transfiguration essay. As I stuffed it into my bag, I bumped into someone. I fell back. I looked up at the person I had bumped into.

"I'm sorry Lyra", Harry said, "I wasn't looking". He offered a hand to help me up. I crinkled my nose, ignoring his hand as I stood up.

"It's my fault too, Potter", I said. His face fell and I felt bad.

"It's fine Harry". 

"You sure?". I nodded. He smiled and I felt my cheeks heat up. I huffed and looked away.

"I'll see you around then Harry", I said.

"Yeah", He said. I turned around to walk away.

"Hey, Lyra".


"Would you go to the Yule Ball with me?". I cringed.

"Sorry Harry, I promised my cousin I would go with him so he wouldn't have to go with snot face Parkinson", I replied.

"But-", Harry began.

"Sod off Potter", I snapped, "Not every girl wants to be your date". I then walked away swiftly.

----Time Skip: After the Third Task----

Harry's POV

I walked towards the stairs to go to the Great Hall for dinner. I was still shaken up by the third task. I walked past the Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, but I stopped in my tracks when I heard sobs. Normally, I would have shaken it off as Myrtle but the sobs weren't hers. I peeked into the bathroom and saw Lyra sobbing. She hugged her knees to her chest and Myrtle was trying to comfort her.

"Lyra?", I asked hesitantly. She looked up startled. Myrtle gave me a small smile.

"Hi Harry", Myrtle said quietly before going into her stall. Lyra started wiping her face.

"What are you doing here?", Lyra asked.

"I was just walking by and I heard you crying", I explained.

"I wasn't crying Potter", She snapped at me.

"You don't have to lie Lyra", I said, "Your best friend just died. It's okay to cry". She glared at me before standing up. She charged at me. Before I knew it, she was throwing punches at me.

"It's all your fault!", Lyra yelled through her sobs, "It's your fault he's gone". I took every punch quietly before she collapsed into my arms. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"It's okay Ly", I whispered, "Everything's going to be okay". She then started crying harder.

"Cedric used to call me that", She cried. I was regretting everything at that moment. It broke my heart to see her crying.

"I'm sorry", I whispered, "I swear Lyra, everything will be okay". 

----Mini Time Skip----

"I'm sorry Harry", Lyra said.

"It's okay", I said, "It's better for you to let it out". She smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked at her softly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", She asked.

"You just kissed my cheek", I said.

"No, I didn't", Lyra snapped, "Stop imagining things, Potter".

"I'm not", I protested.

"You're delusional", She snapped walking out of the bathroom. I rolled my eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought.

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