Don't Touch Her! (Harry x Reader)

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A/N: This one-shot is probably terrible. This is so that you guys have an update while I work on the actually one-shot. You are Sirius's daughter. You are Harry's favorite for reasons. You are a Gryffindor. Cedric is your best friend. This takes place during the Triwizard Tournament. You ended up competing too. 


Cedric and I ran around the maze. 

"You okay?", Cedric asked.

"I'm fine but my dream...", I trailed off.

"Everything will be fine Y/N", Cedric said, "I'm not going to die".

"But Ced", I began. I heard Fleur scream.

"Fleur!", Cedric and I both shouted. We ran in the direction of the scream. When we got there, we saw Viktor trying to spell Harry. Cedric used 'expelliarmus' on Viktor. Cedric and I looked at each other and nodded. We both readied our wands and pointed them at Viktor. 

"Y/N! Cedric! He's been bewitched", Harry shouted. He tried getting Cedric to point his wand down.

"Get off me!", Cedric shouted. He shoved Harry off of him. I noticed the Triwizard Cup in the distance. 

"Guys! Look!", I shouted. 

"Let's go N/N", Cedric said. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away. Harry managed to grab my another arm. The three of us got to the cup and we were teleported to a graveyard.

Harry's POV

"What the fuck?!", Y/N shouted, "Where are we?!".

"Y/N language", Cedric scolded. Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. Cedric laughed and ruffled Y/N's hair. I felt a little jealous seeing her and Cedric. A figure I recognized as Wormtail, walked towards us and I was blasted back against a tomb. 

"Kill the spare", a voice said, "But leave the girl". Wormtail pointed his wand at Cedric. Y/N stood in front of Cedric. She raised her wand.

"Avada Kedavra", Wormtail shouted.

"Protego Maxima!!", Y/N shouted at the same time. The two spells crashed and a duel began. 

"Stupefy!", Cedric shouted. It didn't work. Cedric was suddenly blasted back and trapped next to me. Wormtail dropped what looked like the ugliest baby into the cauldron. 

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son. The flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master", Wormtail chanted walking over to me, "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe". He cut me and took some blood. The potion started bubbling.

"What is going on?", Cedric asked me.

"There's just one more thing left", Wormtail muttered. He turned towards Y/N.

"The offspring of a traitor". He grabbed Y/N's arm.

"No!!", Cedric and I shouted. We both started struggling to get out.

"Let go of me!!", Y/N shouted. She tried running towards us but Wormtail kept a firm grip.

"You will help me revive the Dark Lord", Wormtail said. He had managed to get her a few feet towards the cauldron.

"Stop!!", I shouted. 

"What are you going to do about it boy?", Wormtail asked. I somehow managed to break free.

"You can break my soul!", I said. I pointed my wand at Wormtail and his wand flew out of his hand.

"Take my life away". I freed Cedric from the tomb.

He ran up and stood next to me.

"Beat me, hurt me, kill me, but for the love of  God". I was now standing in front of Wormtail.

"Don't touch her", I punched him square in the face. Wormtail grabbed a strand of Y/N's hair and pulled it off. He put it into the potion. A figure rose up from the cauldron.

"Voldemort!!", Cedric, Y/N, and I shouted.

"Accio Cup", Y/N shouted. 

 The cup came flying towards us and Cedric and I took Y/N's hands and touched the cup at the same time. We all crashed onto the ground. The crowd cheered as we stood up. Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore ran towards us.

"The winners of the Triwizard Tournament: Cedric Diggory, Y/N Black, and Harry Potter!", Dumbledore shouted. The crowd cheered and Fleur and Viktor ran over.

"Good job Y/N", Fleur said. She hugged Y/N who looked at Viktor, Cedric, and me for help. We laughed. 

"So Harry, you would die for Y/N?", Cedric asked nudging me. This caught the girls' attention.

"I-I..uhhh..", I stuttered. 

"Yeah Harry, would you die for her?", Viktor said teasingly.

"I would", I said. Y/N blushed and Fleur teased her.

"Shut up!", Y/N snapped at Fleur who laughed.

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