Love At First Sight (Viktor Krum x Reader)

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A/N: You are Harry's older sister. You're 16 (Fred and George's age). You are a Slythendor. Just to be clear, in the book it says that the Weasleys had seats in the Top Box. You'll see why that matters in a few. By the way, I don't know how to type Viktor's accent. So, deal with it.


I walked up the stairs to our seats with Ginny. We were at the Quidditch World cup. 

"Do you believe in those moments?", Ginny asked. 

"Huh? Sorry I kinda zoned out", I said. 

"I was talking about one of those love at first sight moments", Ginny said, "Do you believe in those moments?".

"No way", I said, "Love's pointless".

"Mum saved us with love", Harry said.

"That went from 0 to 10 real fast", Ron whispered to me.

"I meant loving someone that isn't a family member Harry", I said, "And don't drag Mum into this". 

"Really? I believe in it", Ginny said. She looked at Harry from the corner of her eye.

"Me too", Harry said. I saw him glancing at Ginny. 

"Same", Ron said. He looked at Hermione.

"Kind of", Hermione said glancing at Ron.

"You guys are all idiots", I muttered under my breath. I sat in my seat and the game began. 

----Time Skip: After the Game----

Two young men ran into the Top Box. I recognized them as the Irish Chaser Troy Duvall and the Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum.

"It's Krum", Ron said excitedly.  I rolled my eyes. 

"Ron, you're obsessed", I said. Charlie and Bill laughed. This caught the Quidditch players' attention. They shoved each other as they ran towards us.

"Y/N Potter", They both shouted. They shoved each other and I noticed they weren't going to stop running. Troy was going to crash into me but I moved out of the way. He crashed into the wall behind me. Viktor on the other hand, crashed right into me and we both fell backwards. Hermione and Ginny winced when my back hit the floor. I opened my eyes, only to find Viktor on top of me. Our eyes met and it felt like the world disappeared (Cliché, I know). 

"Sorry", Viktor said standing up. He held his hand out towards me.

"It's fine", I said shrugging. I took Viktor's hand and he pulled me up with ease. 

"Are you okay, Duvall?", Fred asked.

"Yeah, that was quite the crash", George added.

"I'm okay", Troy said. He stood up rubbing his head.

"Y/N, will you join the Irish/Bulgarian team once you graduate?", Viktor and Troy asked at the same time. They held out Quidditch robes that said, 'Potter' on the back. Both of them had the number 7 on them. Both boys glared at each other. 

"What?!", Harry, the twins, Ron, and I shouted.

"Two teams just asked my big sister to join", Harry said. 

"I'll think about it", I said shyly as the boys continued to glare at each other.

----Time Skip: Hogwarts----

"We told them", I said. Hermione and I told the twins not to but their names in the goblet. But they didn't listen. I giggled as the twins fought each other as old men. Viktor walked in and put his name in the goblet. He looked towards where Hermione and I were sitting. He gave me a slight smirk and a wink. I blushed as he walked away.

"You're in love with him", Hermione said.

"No, I'm not", I said. Hermione grabbed my hand and dragged me up into the dorm room I shared with her and Ginny. Ginny looked up from her book.

"She's in love with Krum", Hermione said.

"I'm not!", I said. Ginny squealed and we heard the door open again.

"Who's in love with Krum?", Ron asked.

"Y/N", Ginny said, "You saw how they looked into each others eyes. It was love at first sight".

"No I'm not", I said.

"This reminds me of a song", Harry said. I grinned and opened my mouth.

"I shouldn't have said anything". Music began to play and I sang, Ginny and Hermione sang back up:

The three of us giggled as we sunk to the floor.

"So, you had to sing a song about not admitting you're in love?", Ron asked.

"Yes", I said. 

"It's a muggle thing", Harry said. The five of us walked to the Great Hall. I sat next to Harry at the Gryffindor table. I felt someone sit down next to me. I turned and saw Viktor.

"Viktor?", I said. I glanced at the Slytherin table where the other Durmstrang kids sat. They were all staring at us.

"Have you made a decision yet?", Viktor asked.

"Sorta, I'm kinda leaning towards the Ireland team", I said.

"No!", Viktor shouted. The Great Hall was now staring at us.

"Huh?", I asked.

"Let me give you a reason to join my team", Viktor said.

"Fine, give one reason", I said.

"I'm on the Bulgarian team", Viktor said.

"Why is that a good reason?", I asked.

"Because I wouldn't be able to stand being on a different team then you", Viktor said. I blushed as we looked at each other. 

"And why would that be?", I asked. 

"I love you", Viktor said, "Since the moment I saw you".

"I knew it! Love at first sight!", I heard Ginny squeal. I smirked as I grabbed Viktor's collar and pulled him towards me.

"I loved you from the moment I saw you too", I said. Viktor smirked and leaned in. I leaned in too and our lips met halfway. 

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