Karaoke (Percy x Reader)

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A/N: Thank you to TheOrangrHairedLion for requesting this one shot. You are Hermione's older sister and you are the twins' age 15 (Hermione's 3rd year). This takes place after Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup.


"Ready for the party N/N?", Fred asked.

"Hell yeah Freddie", I said. Fred, George, the trio, and I burst out laughing. This caught a certain redhead's eye. 

"A party?", Percy asked walking up to us. 

"Fuck", I said, "The Head Boy overheard our plans". Percy rolled his eyes but smiled down at me.

"I did", Percy said, "But I'm not going to shut it down".

"You're not?", We all asked shocked.

"No", Percy said, "In fact, I'll come too". The twins and I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?".

"No offense Mr. Studiesalot, but you're not the party type", I said. Percy scowled at the nickname. 

"I'll show you", Percy said before walking away, "I'll see you at the party".

-----Time Skip-----

Hermione, Ginny, and I were in my dorm getting ready for the party. Hermione wanted to wear her white blouse and her black pencil skirt. I somehow managed to get her to wear something more her age:

Ginny wanted to wear some of my clothes so we looked through my wardrobe together

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Ginny wanted to wear some of my clothes so we looked through my wardrobe together. I found a cute cat overall dress with a gray short sleeve turtle neck:

 I found a cute cat overall dress with a gray short sleeve turtle neck:

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I decided to wear what a normal muggle teen would to a party :

I decided to wear what a normal muggle teen would to a party :

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The three of us rushed down to the party.

"Y/N, what do muggles do at parties?", George asked.

"Well, muggles have this thing called a karaoke machine", I said. 

"What's a karaoke machine?", Fred asked.

"It's like a speaker but it has a microphone and a screen where the lyrics to the song appear", I explained, "The machine plays the music and you sing".

"That sounds like fun", George said.

"Too bad we don't have one", Fred said.

"Who says we don't?", I asked smirking. I took out my wand and waved it. A karaoke machine appeared along with a set of wireless microphones. 

"Woah", The twins said. The three of us smirked at each other. We each took a microphone and turned the machine on. I connect my phone to the machine and we picked the song Stereo Hearts :

The rest of the Gryffindors clapped when we finished.

"Hermione, Ginny", I said, "Sing a song together". Hermione and Ginny ran up and took the microphones from Fred and George. I let them pick the song and played the music:

I danced with Fred until I saw Percy standing in the corner. I smiled and ran towards him.

"Percy", I said. He turned towards me and smiled.

"Y-You look nice", Percy stuttered.

"Thanks", I said.

"I told you I would show up", Percy said. I giggled and looked at him from the corner of my eye.

"How about you sing one?", I asked.

"Me sing?", Percy asked in disbelief, "You're joking?".

"How about a duet with me?", I asked. Percy blushed slightly and looked shyly towards Harry and Ron who were now singing Bromance

"I'll think about it", Percy said.

"Okay", I said, "When you decide come find me".

Percy's POV

I watched Y/N walk away. I really did like her and it would be fun to sing a duet with her. But I wasn't confident enough to sing in front of her or tell her how I felt. I'm graduating this year and she doesn't even know how I feel. From the corner of my eye, I saw a cup of firewhiskey. 

"I guess I should loosen up a little", I muttered to myself. I drank the cup of firewhiskey. It helped me feel a litter better. I looked around for Y/N.

"Hey Percy", Ron said suddenly appearing next to me.

"Have you seen Y/N?", I asked.

"She's over there talking to Wood", Ron said pointing to a couch. Y/N was giggling at something Oliver had said. I walked over to them.

"Is that duet offer still stand?", I asked. Y/N smiled at me and nodded. I took her hand and led her to the karaoke machine.

"Give me two microphones Fred", Y/N said. Fred looked at me in surprise but handed us the microphones.

"You pick the song", I said quietly. Y/N's eyes started sparkling as she scrolled through the songs. She smiled as she clicked on a song. I read the title: All About Us. The music began to play and Y/N began to sing:

When the song finished, I smiled down at Y/N who smiled back at me.

"I love you, Percy", Y/N whispered.

"I love you too, Y/N", I said. She smiled and raised onto her tip-toes. I leaned down and met her halfway. Wolf whistles filled the common room. Y/N pulled away and we smiled at each other.

"Get a room, you two", I heard Oliver shout.

"Shut up Wood", Y/N shouted.

"Yeah Wood", George shouted.

"You wish she was snogging you", Fred added. Oliver blushed and I pulll Y/N towards me.

"This is mine Oliver", I said pointing to Y/N. Y/N kicked me in the shin.

"I'm not an object or a prize!".

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