Dancing In The Rain (Ron x Reader)

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A/N: You are Hermione's twin sister. You are in Slytherin. Just to be clear, Draco is your best friend. 


I sat on a windowsill with Ginny and Luna.

"Do you think Hermione likes Ron?", Luna asked. Ginny and I looked at her confused.

"Why'd you bring this up?", I asked.

"I feel a connection between them", Luna said in her dreamy voice.

"She probably does", Ginny said. I sighed, pulled my legs into my chest and looked out the window.

"Looks like it's going to rain", I muttered.

"What's got you upset?", Ginny asked.

"Nothing", I whispered.

"Do you like Ron?", Luna asked. I looked at her.

"So what if I do?", I said, "He probably likes Hermione. They're closer". I looked out the window as Ginny scooted closer to me. Luna scooted close too.

"I'm pretty sure Ron likes you", Ginny said, "You're an awesome girl".

"No, I'm not", I said.

"You're are", Luna said.

"Y/N, you're the only girl I know that Malfoy's scared of", Ginny said.

"You're the only person to ever stand up for me", Luna said.

"Anyone would do that", I said.

"Not really", Luna said.

"Ron would be a fool not to like you", Ginny said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. 

"Thanks for trying but I don't think so", I said, "Besides I'm going to go find Draco. See you two later". They smiled as I jumped off the window and made my way to the Great Hall. 

Ron's POV

I sat at the Gryffindor table with Harry and Hermione. Malfoy and his 'friends' were sitting at the Slytherin table talking about something. 

"Draco", a voice called. Everyone turned around to find Y/N peeking in. Once she saw Malfoy, Y/N smiled and walked over to the Slytherin table. I felt the smile I had on my face disappear.

"Do you think she likes Malfoy?", I asked still looking at Y/N who was now sitting down next to Malfoy.

"No", Hermione said, "She told me that their relationship is like ours".

"So, they're sisters?", Harry asked, "Is Malfoy like her tea sister?". Hermione laughed.

"Something like that Harry". 

"So, she doesn't like him?", I asked hopefully.

"No Ron", Hermione said, "She doesn't like him". I sighed in relief as I watched Y/N hug Malfoy.


"Thanks, Dray", I said as I kissed his cheek. Draco smiled and ruffled my hair.

"I'm always here for you N/N", Draco said. I smiled and stood up.

"I'll see you later". I walked out of the Great Hall and into the courtyard. I took of my shoes and robes and put them on the ground where they wouldn't get wet. I smiled as I felt the first few drops of rain. I laughed as the rain started to fall down harder. I twirled around as the rain started to pour down. Without realizing it, I started to sing and dancing:

Ron's POV

I followed Hermione and Harry down the corridor. 

"It's pouring", Hermione said shivering. We turned right and had a full view of the courtyard.

"Hey, are these Y/N's?", Harry asked pointing to robes and shoes.

"They are", I said. We looked up as we heard singing in the distance. Y/N was dancing. She looked so carefree and she looked beautiful.

"I should have known", Hermione said chuckling. I took off my robes and shoes. I made my way towards her.

"Where are you going, Ron?", Harry asked.

"It looks like fun", I called over my shoulder.  I stood behind her waiting for her to turn around. When she did, her face turned bright red.

"Ron? What are you doing here?", Y/N asked.

"It looked like fun", I said shrugging. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I blushed and I wrapped my own arms around her waist. We slow danced to the sound of the rain.

"I love you", She whispered as she leaned into my chest. I smiled to myself as I squeezed her gently.

"I love you too", I said. She looked up and kissed me. 

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