Overprotective Preview

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Hello people who read this book for some reason! 

Before I say anything, Happy Birthday to Gred and Forge!

I have 3 things to say. First off, thank you all so much for reading this book. It's been about almost 2 years (as of November of this year). And then school messed up my updating schedule. It went from 3 times a week down to when I can. 

So the first thing, my schedule will now be once a week or every two weeks (when I can). But that's part of what I wanted to say. 

Second, if you write a Harry Potter one-shot for me, I will publish it and give all the credits to you.

And finally, the third thing is I'm currently thinking about publishing another Harry Potter Reader Insert along with the Reader Insert Instagram book. I'm looking for a co-author for the new Harry Potter insert. I was thinking about writing it about the Next Gen!. I need a sample of your writing style. 

I will be giving a prompt I will be looking for it the sample:

"Why can't you just let someone care about you?"

Please note that you will be using Google Docs for both the one-shot and co-author entry. Also, the prompt must be highlighted or in a different color.

 If you are interested in either the one-shot or co-author position, email me at gmalfoy2@gmail.com.  Thank you.



I walked in front of James trying to find Regulus.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit with me?", James asked.

"James, we've been over this for the past 3 years already", I said, "I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm 16. I can take care of myself".

"I know Y/N", James replied sighing, "You're my little sister and I don't want to see you get hurt". I smiled and hugged James.

"I know James", I said. We stopped in front of my and Regulus's usual compartment.

"I'm right next door if you need me", James reminded me.

"Bye James", I said rolling my eyes. I opened the door before James could reply.

"I'm guessing James still doesn't trust me", Regulus said. I smiled and leaned down giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Nope", I said. Regulus shook his head before pulling me down onto his lap.

"That's a shame", Regulus muttered, "I thought we were gonna tell him soon".

Harry Potter One Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now