Start Over (Sirius x Sister! Reader x Regulus)

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A/N: You are the youngest Black sibling. You are two years younger than Sirius and one year younger than Regulus. This one-shot takes place when you start your first year at Hogwarts. 

Sirius's POV

"Bye Mummy", Y/N said. Y/N hugged her and she hugged back. Y/N pulled away, and then went back to her spot in between Regulus and me.

"Bye Mum", Regulus said hugging Mum. She hugged Regulus. Regulus pulled away from her and went back to his spot. 

"Bye Mum", I said. Mum didn't say anything at first. 

"Get lost Blood Traitor", She said before hitting me. Regulus and Y/N flinched as I got hit. I backed away from her and stood behind Y/N. 

"Take care of her Regulus", Mum said, "You". She pointed at me.

"Watch over both of them". I nodded and quickly picked up Y/N's trunk and my trunk. Regulus picked up his trunk and the three of us walked onto the train. Once we were on the train, I started to walk towards the right and Regulus turned left.

"Where are you going?", Y/N asked.

"I'm going to find my friends", we both said, "And get away from him". 

"Aren't we all going to sit together?", Y/N asked. We both looked at each other.

"No", We said. Y/N watched as we both started to walk away again. We suddenly both stopped.

"Are you coming, Y/N?", Regulus and I asked. Regulus and I glared at each other. Y/N looked in between us. She started walking towards Regulus.

"See you later, Reggy", Y/N said hugging Regulus. She kissed his cheek and walked back over to me.

"Let's go, Siri", She said. She took my hand and we both started to look for the other Marauders. I found them in our usual compartment.

"Hey", I said. I walked in and put the trunks away.

"Who's that Sirius?". I noticed James and Remus staring at the door. I realized Y/N was still standing outside the compartment. I sighed and took Y/N's arm. I pulled her into the compartment. She hid behind me.

"Guys, this is my little sister, Y/N Black", I said, "Y/N, this is James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew". Y/N peeked out shyly. I moved away from her. She stood there nervously. James stood up and squatted in front of Y/N.

"Hey there", James said.

"H-Hi", Y/N stuttered. James smiled gently at Y/N. Y/N gave him a small smile. 

----Time Skip: The Sorting----


"Y/N Black", Professor McGonagall called out. I walked up to the stool and sat down. The hat was placed on my head. 

"Another Black", a voice said, "Where should I put you?". I looked at Sirius at the Gryffindor Table. He had his fingers crossed and mouthed 'Please be Gryffindor'. I turned and looked at Regulus at the Slytherin Table. He also had his fingers crossed and mouthed 'Please be Slytherin'.

"I see that you are close to both of your brothers", The hat said, "I see now. You are the perfect mixture of them. You, my dear, are 50% Gryffindor and 50% Slytherin. But which should I put you in?".

"Is there any way I could be in  both?", I whispered to the hat. I heard the hat chuckle.

"There is", the hat said, "But are you sure?".

"I'm sure", I said.

"So be it", the hat said, "Better be SLYTHENDOR!". The hat shouted the last words to the Great Hall. Confused whispers filled the air. I saw Regulus and Sirius glance at each other. They nodded and stood up. They both walked over to me. They grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the Great Hall.

Regulus's POV

"You told the hat to put you in Slythendor, didn't you?", Sirius asked Y/N.

"I did but the hat said I was 50% Gryffindor and 50% Slytherin", Y/N said. 

"Why?", I asked.

"Because I'm the perfect mix of you and Siri", Y/N said.

"Regulus didn't mean it like that", Sirius said, "He meant why did you tell it to put you in Slythendor?".

"Because I wanted to be with both of my brothers", Y/N said.

"Y/N, you shouldn't have done that", I said.

"Why not?", Y/N asked.

"Because you'll be bullied", Sirius said.

"So? I don't care", Y/N said.

"But we care! Y/N, we have to protect you", I said, "Why don't you understand?".

"Why don't I understand?", Y/N said, "Why don't you two understand that I got sorted into Slythendor to fix your relationship?!". Tears started streaming down her face.

"What?", Sirius and I asked confused.

"I wanted you two to fix your relationship so you two would stop making me choose between both of you!", Y/N said, "Why are the two of you so blind? It hurts me that the two of you don't love each other like you should. What happened to the Siri and Reggy that loved each other and who protected me together?". Y/N broke into sobs. She sunk to the floor and pulled her knees into her chest. I looked at Sirius and he looked back at me. We nodded at each other. We kneeled down next to Y/N.

"You're right, N/N", Sirius and I said, "We should love each other". I looked at Sirius.

"I'm sorry I took Mum and Dad's side over yours", I said, "I should have been there for you".

"I'm sorry too", Sirius said, "I shouldn't have lashed out at you". We smiled at each other. 

"Start over?", I asked.

"Start over", Sirius said. We hugged each other. 

"That's the Siri and Reggy I know", Y/N said as she wiped her tears. Sirius and I laughed.

"Come here you", We said. Sirius and I pulled Y/N into the hug. The three of us sat there joking around until the feast was over.

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