Awful (Fred x Reader)

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"Fred loves me?", I asked Ginny again.

"Yeah you", Ginny replied. She was getting frustrated.

"But I'm three years younger than he is", I said.

"Merin Y/N does it matter?", Ginny asked.

"No but it's just", I trailed off.

"Just what?", Ginny demanded.

"It's just that he's Fred Weasley and I'm Y/N L/N the Slytherclaw", I said looking at my shoes, "The Freak".

"You are not a freak!", Ginny said.

"Yes, I am Ginny!", I said, "I don't fit in". I felt tears starting to stream down my face.

"Y/N, you're-", Ginny started but was cut off by another Weasley.

"What's wrong love?", George asked. He walked in alone without Fred.

"Nothing Georgie", I said. 

"Want me to go get Freddie?", he asked Ginny. All the Weasleys knew that when I was upset the only one that could calm me down was Fred.

"No. She's crying because of Fred", Ginny said.

"What did I do? Who's crying?". Fred walked in and looked at Ginny. Then he looked at me.

"I'll just be in the dorm, Ginny!", I said and ran up the stairs to Ginny's dorm.

The next few days, I tried my best to avoid Fred. Ginny and George both knew why but Fred just didn't understand. One day, before I could run, Fred grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs and into his dorm.

"Are you mad at me?", Fred asked me. He looked awful like he hadn't slept in days and cried a lot.

"I'm not mad Freddie", I said.

"Then why do you keep avoiding me?", Fred asked looking hurt.

"I haven't been avoiding you. Freddie, are you okay? You look awful!", I said trying to change the subject. 

"Thanks Y/N. Just what I wanted to hear", he said trying not to laugh.

"There! You're smiling now", I said. 

"Y/N, why do you keep avoiding me?", Fred asked smiling painfully now.

"Because Freddie, I-I don't think Ginny meant what she told me and it hurt me so I just avoided you", I said.

"What did she tell you?", Fred asked.

"She told me that you loved me", I replied.

"She did mean it then", Fred said looking at me. 

"What?", I said looking up at Fred. Before I knew what was happening, Fred leaned in and kissed me. 

"Hey, Freddie I- Whoa! My eyes! There goes my innocence!", George shouted as he walked in. He dramatically fell to his knees covering his eyes.

"Go away!", Fred said pulling away. He threw a pillow at George. 

"You don't need to tell me twice", George said running out. 

"Hey! Ginny! They're finally snogging each other!", I heard him shout. I laughed and then turned to Fred.

"You really look awful", I said.

"Way to ruin the moment", Fred said.

"It was already ruined. Thanks to George", I said.

"Yeah, you're right. And by the way, you look awful too!", he said before running out of the room.

"Fred Weasley! Get back here!", I shouted running after him.

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