Soulmate AU (Young! Sirius x Reader)

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A/N: "The "soulmate AU" is a kind of fanfic or fanart that revolves around a setting where everyone has a one true love, however, there is a form of that ties the soulmates together. There are numerous ways for this concept to work. The most common is the "soulmate mark", which is a mark that soulmates share. This varies on the writer". Source: You have the power to see the soulmates but you can't say anything. That is universal law. Your animagus form is a wolf. Your nickname is Alpha.


"Hey sis", James said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.  He did this every time he found me in the common room. I rolled my eyes and looked at my twin brother. 

"What?", I asked.

"Has your soulmark appeared yet?", James asked. I shook my head. When a person is about two or three weeks away from their 15th birthday, their soulmate's name appears on their wrist. But if a special bond is made, a visible red string will appear. It's really dramatic. It happens when a soul reader gets their soulmark. A soul reader is a person who can see the red strings of fate. The soul reader's clothes change when they get their soulmate. Lights surround them and everything. Very cliché if you ask me.

"Why?", I asked. 

"I got mine", James said. He excitedly showed me his wrist. Lily Evans was written on his skin. I had seen an invisible red string connect them together.

"I knew it", I said, "I saw that about a week ago".

"And why didn't you tell me?", James asked pouting.

"I would be breaking the law James", I said.

"What law?", James asked.

"The universal's law!", I exclaimed dramatically.  James laughed and sat down next to me. The portrait opened and Remus and Peter came in. 

"Hey, did either of you get your soulmarks yet?", Remus asked.

"James did", I said, "I already knew who though". 

"It's Lily", James said showing them his wrist.

"What about you?", Remus asked.

"Have you seen bright lights, a red string, and my clothes changing?", I asked.

"No", Remus replied.

"There's your answer", James said. Remus shook his head. 

"I'm going to bed", I said getting up.

----Time Skip: Next Morning----

James's POV

The Marauders and I walked down to the Great Hall. We saw Y/N in her usual seat. She pretty much had a throne, because Soul Readers are very rare, even in the wizarding world.

"Morning Sis", I said. She stood up from her chair and walked towards us when a bright light surronded her. The rest of the Great Hall turned and looked. Her uniform changed into a red dress:

 Her uniform changed into a red dress:

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"Woah", I muttered. Her hair was styled into a rose shape thing:

As the lights shone brighter, a red string shot out of her wrist

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As the lights shone brighter, a red string shot out of her wrist. I followed it with my eyes and saw that the string had wrapped around Sirius's wrist. Sirius's eyes widened. The lights stopped and Y/N opened her eyes. 

"Padfoot", Y/N whispered. My sister looked down at her wrist. Sirius Black was now written on her skin. Sirius showed her his wrist: Y/N Potter.

"Hey Alpha", Sirius said, "Who would have guessed?". Y/N giggled and hugged Sirius.

"That's why I never saw a red string connecting you to someone", She said. Sirius hugged her back.

"Padfoot's my future brother-in-law", I shouted. The Great Hall burst into laughter and applause.

"I love you, Y/N", Sirius said, "Always have".

"I love you too, Sirius", Y/N said, "Always will". 

"Just kiss already", Remus and I said. They rolled their eyes and kissed. 

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