Valentine's Day Special (Charlie x Reader)

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A/N: Happy (Early/Late: Depends when I publish this) Valentine's Day! You are a Gryffindor and you are Harry's older sister. You are Charlie's age and you were raised by Remus Lupin, so you never met Harry. You are the girl who lived. Voldie tried to kill you a few years before Harry.


"I don't know about this Bill", I said walking behind one of my best friends. 

"Come on Y/N", Bill said, "You're a Potter. Your dad asked your mom out so many times". I giggled as he smiled. 

"Yeah but she always said no Bill", I said. He laughed and ruffled my hair. 

"Trust me", Bill said, "He will say yes. I'm already writing my best man speech". I playfully pushed Bill. We walked towards Potions until we ran into Charlie.

"Hey", Charlie said. He playfully winked at me. I blushed and looked away.

'I'm just gonna go to class", I mumbled. I ran into the Potions classroom. 

"You're late Potter", Snape said.

"Not even", I said, "It's literally been 2 seconds".

"5 points from Gryffindor and detenion Miss Potter", Snape said.

"For what?", I asked.

"Talking back", Snape replied, "Now sit".

----Time Skip----

I sighed as I walked down the hall. I was suddenly hugged from behind. 

"Hey, Princess", Charlie said. I blushed and looked away.

"Put me down", I said, "I've got to go to detenion".

"For what?", Charlie asked.

"Late to class by 2 seconds and talking back to Snape", I replied. Charlie sighed and let me go.

Charlie's POV

I walked down the hall until I heard music. I peeked into the room when I was walking by. I saw Y/N and stopped walking. She was standing in the middle of the room. Bill sat at the drums while Y/N's friend Luca stood at a keyboard. Y/N had a bass guitar. A microphone was in front of Y/N.

"Ready Y/N?", Luca asked. She nodded. 

"1...2...3", Bill said. They began to play and Y/N began to sing:

"That was great Y/N", Luca said.

"Thanks", Y/N replied.

"You'll be ready to sing for him", Bill said. 


I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I tripped and I fell into the classroom.

"Charlie?", Y/N said. She ran over to me.

"Are you okay?", the three of them asked.

"I'm fine", I said sitting up.

"How much did you hear?", Y/N asked.

"I heard everything", I replied. Y/N sighed sadly.

"It was supposed to be a surprise", She said.

"For me?", I asked. Y/N nodded.

"Why?", I asked. 

"Because I like you", Y/N said, "And I wanted to tell you". I kissed her.

"I like you too", I said.

"Happy Valentine's Day", Y/N said.

"Happy Valentine's Day Y/N", I said.

Years later....(Charlie's POV)

"How you doing Harry?", I asked.  Before he could reply, Dad came in and scolded the twins.

"We are not telling your mother", Dad said before Mum came in.

"Tell me what?", Mum asked. 

"Before you scold the twins Molly", Dad said, "There's someone who really wants to meet Harry".

"Me?", Harry asked. Ron smiled along with Hermione and Ginny. They nodded.

"Go get her Charlie", Mum said. I nodded and went up the stairs. I stopped at the twins' door. I opened the door to find Y/N reading.

"He's here", I told her.

"Harry!", Y/N shouted. She smiled and happily ran out the room. I laughed and followed her. She suddenly stopped at the bottom.

"What is it?", I asked. Y/N turned and looked at me.

"What if he doesn't like me?", She said. Y/N looked at her feet.

"He'll love you", I said, "You're his sister". Y/N smiled slightly. I took her hand and we walked into the kitchen. Harry turned at the sound of our footsteps. Y/N gasped and her eyes filled with tears.

"Harry!", Y/N shouted. She ran up to him and hugged him. Harry looked surprised. She squated in front of Harry smiling at him.

"Who are you?", Harry asked. Y/N looked heart-broken before she smiled at him again.

"Harry, it's me", Y/N said, "I'm Y/N Lily Potter (If your name's Lily change your middle name to Emma). I'm your sister". Harry's face turned from confused to realization.

"You're N/N?", Harry asked. Y/N nodded frantically. Harry hugged her tightly as they both cried. Mum, Ginny, and Hermione started crying too. Harry pulled away from Y/N.

"Why did you leave? I've been alone all this time", Harry said through his tears.

"I'm sorry Harry. I never wanted to leave you", Y/N said, "But Dumbledore thought it was for the best. I never wanted to leave you with those awful Dursleys". Harry hugged her tightly again.

"Promise me, you won't leave me again", Harry said into his sister's shoulder.

"I promise Harry", Y/N said, "Never again". I looked at Dad. He nodded and I walked towards the two siblings.

"Y/N, I have something to ask you", I said.

"What is it?", She asked.

"I know that you've just got reunited with your brother but I think that this is the time I should ask", I said. She looked at me and nodded telling me to keep going.

"I have loved you since the moment I met you. I know you've faced so many heartbreaking moments, and that one of them just got fixed", I said getting down on one knee, "I want to love you and have a family with you. So, I want to ask you just one thing: Will you marry me?". I took out the ring. Y/N covered her mouth with her hands. Harry nodded his head.

"Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!", Y/N shouted. I smiled with tears streaming down my face. I huggd her tightly. Y/N pulled Harry into the hug.

"She said yes!", Bill shouted, "I called it! I have my speech ready!". We all laughed.

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