His Love (NextGen! Newt x Reader)

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A/N: This one shot references the past three shots. You have to read the last three to understand. At least, I think. Anyways, you are Rose's twin sister; Y/N Nymphadora Granger-Weasley. You are in Ravenclaw.


I sat in the Great Hall with Albus.

"How's therapy going?", Albus asked.

"Great actually", I replied, "My therapist said I can stop taking my pills this week!".

"That is great!", Albus cheered giving me a side hug. The hug was interrupted by two awkward coughs and two people sitting down. My boyfriend and my best friend looked at me and Albus confused.

"What's with all the hugging?", Scorpius asked.

"Y/N doesn't have to take the antidepressants anymore!", Albus exclaimed.

"That's great news!", Newt said leaning over the table and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"It's all thanks to you", I said taking Newt's hand in mine.

"Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff!", Scorpius whined.

"She's my girlfriend, Malfoy", Newt said, "Oh, right, you still like her". I cringed as Scorp winced.

"Newt, don't be rude", I said rubbing circles on the back of his hand.

"I have every right since he is the reason you were cutting yourself", Newt said. Scorpius looked down in shame and regret. I knew his eyes were already filled with tears.

"I'm fine now, Newt", I said, "I forgave him. It's about time you did too". Newt pouted as Scorpius gave me a grateful smile.

"But he hurt you", Newt whimpered. His bottom lip started quivering. Without saying anything, I crawled under the table and into the seat in between the two.

"Stop being adorable", I grumbled hugging Newt's head to my chest. He chuckled before snuggling into me.

"You two are too much", Scorpius said sighing weakly.

"You're just jealous Scorp", Albus said.

"Sod off Albus", Scorpius said. He grumbled as he looked down at his food.

"Aww poor Scorpy", I cooed as I reached about to ruffle his hair. He playfully swatted my hand away.

"Don't touch the hair", Scorpius said glaring at me.

"Stop being a baby", Newt said ruffling Scorpius's hair.

"Y/N, your boyfriend's being mean again", Scorpius whined pouting. I giggled before playfully smacking Newt's hand.

"Stop bullying Scorp", I scolded. Newt laughed before pulling me into his chest.

"I'll stop", He said, "For you and only you". I sighed contently snuggling deeper into his chest.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this mini one-shot. Now here's an important question:

Should NextGen Newt be a permanent part of this book?



Please vote and more One-Shots are on the way.

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