She's A Malfoy & He's A Weasley(Fred x Reader)

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A/N: You are Y/N Malfoy (aged 15), Draco's older sister. You are in Slytherin. No hate to any of the Weasleys. I just need them to be mean to Y/N.


I walked down the hall, happily chatting with Charlotte Nott and Paige Parkinson. My little brother Draco followed behind us with his friends. We walked towards the group of students ready to go to Hogsmeade. 

"Oh my god! Y/N, I love your outfit", Charlotte said looking at me from head to toe. I smiled shyly and looked down at my clothes:

 I smiled shyly and looked down at my clothes:

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"Thanks, Char", I said. I twirled a strand of my wavy H/C hair. I was the only Malfoy who wasn't born with blonde straight hair. To feel more like a Malfoy, I dyed the bottom half of my hair platinum blonde.

"You always have the cutest clothes", Paige said enviously. 

"That's because Father loves his precious princess", Draco said butting in.

"Shut up Draco", I snapped, "At least I don't get babied by Mum". Draco glared at me as Paige, Charlotte, Daphne, and Pansy giggled.

"Shut up Y/N", Draco said turning red. I giggled and because I wasn't looking, I crashed into someone. I stumbled back and somehow I tripped over my own feet in the process. A hand caught my wrist before I fell completely.

"You okay?".

"Yeah, I'm fine".  I looked up and my (e/c) eyes met a pair of chocolate ones. A small smile appeared on my face.

"Fred", I whispered.

"Hi Y/N", He whispered back. Our small moment was instantly ruined though.

"Weasley!", Draco snapped. I rolled my eyes and Fred snickered quietly.

"Pardon?", Fred asked innocently. I facepalmed. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Weasley?", I spat. Fred's eyes widened slightly. I instantly felt guilty. 

'Just go with it', I mouthed. He grimaced but listened. 

"Nothing's wrong with me Malfoy", Fred sneered, "If anything there's something wrong with you".

"What's that supposed to mean?!", I snapped.

"It means that I'm not some airheaded Daddy's girl", Fred replied. I grimaced and I knew Fred felt guilty. His eyes were apologizing over and over again. 

"That was too far Weasley!!", Draco snapped. 

"But it's true", Ron added, "She's worst than Pugfaced Parkinson. At least she owns her sluttiness". Pansy winced and hid behind Daphne. Draco growled getting ready to punch Ron. I put a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"It's okay Draco", I whispered. I guided him (with the group close behind) over to McGonagall who checked us out.

Fred's POV

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