I'll Protect You (Cedric x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Harry's twin sister. The younger twin by exactly 5 minutes. He is very overprotective over you. He only lets his friends get near you with an exception of Cedric. It gets really annoying.

3rd Year

Y/N walked down the hall, smiling to herself. She and her brother had just saved her Uncle Sirius. She bumped into Malfoy and his stupid 'friends'.

"Watch where you're going Potterette", Parkinson spat. Y/N sat up and glared at the group.

"You watch it", Y/N said. She stood up only to be pushed back down by Malfoy.

"What did you say?", Malfoy asked.

"You heard me Malfoy", Y/N said. Malfoy got angry and slapped her. Tears filled Y/N's eyes but she refused to show them weakness.

"Are you sorry?", Malfoy asked.

"Not really", Y/N replied. Malfoy raised his hand to slap her again. She closed her eyes waiting for the hit, but it never came. Y/N nervously opened her eyes to find a 5th year Hufflepuff keeping a firm grip on Malfoy's wrist.

"Mind your own business Diggory", Malfoy spat. Cedric twisted Malfoy's arm and shoved him towards his 'friends'.

"Leave her alone", Cedric spat. The group then ran away obviously scared.

"You didn't have to do that Cedric", Y/N said.

"I had to Y/N", Cedric said, "Malfoy has no right to hit you". He helped the younger girl up.

"But Cedric", the 13-year-old began.

"I have to protect you N/N", Cedric said, "I love you". Y/N hugged her best friend.

----Time Skip: Few Weeks Before Present Day----


I walked with Ginny and Hermione.

"Amos", Mr. Weasley said. I looked towards the two men.

"Cedric's here", Ginny teased. I blushed and looked at the ground. I heard someone land in front of me.

"Hey beautiful", He said. I looked up and smiled at my boyfriend.

"Hey Ceddie", I said. I hugged him tightly.

"Pretty Boy Diggory!", Fred and George shouted. They dramatically ran over to us. Fred shoved me out of the way. He and George threw themselves at Cedric.

"We missed you, Pretty Boy Diggory!", the twins shouted. Cedric awkwardly hugged them back.

"Hey! Fred and George! Back off!", I shouted, "He's mine! And only mine!". I shoved them out of the way. I jump towards Cedric. He instantly caught me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs were wrapped around his waist.

"Aww! You love me!", Cedric said.

"This is mine", I told the twins, "You're mine Ced".

-----Time Skip: Present Day-----

"The Durmstrang Champion is Viktor Krum!". Today was the day the champions were being picked. Cedric had entered and I was really worried about him but happy for him.

"The Beauxbatons Champion is Fleur Delacour", Dumbledore said.

"Please be me", I heard Cedric mutter under his breath, "Please be me".

"The Hogwarts Champion is", Dumbledore said, "Cedric Diggory!". Our friends and I cheered for him. Cedric hugged me.

"You're going to do great", I said smiling at him. Cedric kissed my cheek and walked into the room. The goblet glowed red again and two pieces of paper shot out.

"Harry and Y/N Potter", Dumbledore read. The Great Hall turned and looked at us.

"Harry and Y/N Potter!!!", He shouted.

"Go", Hermione said pushing me and Harry slightly. Harry grabbed my hand and dragged me to the room. We both nervously walked down the stairs.

Cedric's POV

The door opened again and the Potter twins came in. Y/N was scared and I knew it. She was shaking slightly and she had tears in her eyes. Harry looked at his sister with fear and comfort. As soon as she saw me, Y/N let go of Harry's hand and ran over to me. She wrapped her arms around me and cried. I picked her up. Y/N wrapped her legs around my waist and she cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay", I said, "You're okay". I rubbed circles on her back. Fleur and Viktor looked at Y/N with pity. We could all tell that the twins didn't put their names in the goblet. I saw Harry trembling slightly. I gave him a side hug, trying to comfort both Potters.

"I'm fine Cedric", Harry said, "Worry about Y/N". We heard shouting and the professors came running in. Dumbledore grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt. He tried grabbing Y/N too, but I moved myself and Y/N away from him.

"Harry! Y/N! Did you put your names into the Goblet of Fire?!!", Dumbledore asked 'calmly'.

"No sir", Harry replied. Y/N replied with a sob.

"Did you ask one of the older students to put it in for you?", Dumbledore asked.

"No sir", Harry said. Y/N shook her head.

"Are you sure?", Dumbledore asked.

"Yes sir", Harry said.

"But of course they are lying", Madame Maxine said.

"Look at her", McGonagall said pointing at Y/N, "She's terrified and crying. Do you really think they're lying?".  The professors argued for 30 minutes. Finally, Dumbledore stopped the argument.

"You five are dismissed", Dumbledore said. Viktor, Fleur, Harry, and I (still carrying Y/N) walked out of the room. Harry and I stopped at the bottom of the staircase.

"You go ahead Harry", I said, "I'll walk her". Harry nodded and ran up the stairs. When he was gone, I sat down on one of the stairs and placed Y/N on my lap.

"I'm scared Ceddie", Y/N whispered.

"You don't have to be afraid Y/N", I said, "I'll protect you".

"Promise Cedric?", Y/N asked.

"I promise Y/N", I said.

"I love you, Ceddie", Y/N said burying her face in my chest.

"I love you too", I said kissing the top of her head.

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