It's Love (Scorpius x Reader) Pt. 1

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A/N: You are Rose's twin sister; Y/N Nymphadora Granger-Weasley. You are in Ravenclaw. Anyways, as for the Who's Girl? Pt. 3, the deadline to vote is Friday, December 13th. So please vote if you haven't yet.


I walked down the hall with Albus and Scorpius. 

"Did you see Rose today?", Scorpius said blushing, "She looked so beautiful in the red dress". I looked down at my own dress. It was the exact same on as Rose's only mine was in blue. Albus noticed and squeezed my shoulder. I smiled sadly at him and he smiled back. 

"Yeah, she did look pretty", I agreed. Scorpius's jaw dropped.

"Y/N! She's isn't just pretty!", Scorpius gushed, "She's beautiful". I looked at Albus who rolled his eyes before giving my shoulder another squeeze.

"Drop it Scorp", Albus said. Scorpius looked back at us surprised. 

"What? Why?".

"Can't you see what you're doing?".

"What?". Albus sighed before grabbing my hand. 

"Just go to the library Scorp. I need to talk to my cousin". 

"Okay", Scorpius said. He then walked off. 

"Are you okay, Y/N?", Albus asked once Scorpius was out of an earshot.

"Why wouldn't I be, Al?", I said sighing. 

"Y/N, I know you like him", Albus said, "You've liked him for the past five years".

"Just like he's liked Rose for the past five years", I added. 

"He'll come around", Albus reassured me.

"Albus, I give up", I said, "He's never going to notice me". Tears filled my eyes as I thought back to the past five Valentine's Days wasted on shattered hope.


"I'm fine Al. Let's just go".

Albus's POV

Y/N and I walked into the library. She seemed a little happier than before. Her smile faltered and faded when her eyes landed on something. I looked up at our usual table, only to find Scorpius and Rose kissing. 

"I'm just going to go study in my common room, Albus", Y/N said. She turned around running with tears falling.

I stormed up to our table and glared at Scorpius and Rose both of them blushing. I slammed my hands on the table causing them looked at me startled. 

"What's wrong, Albus?", Rose asked. 

 You two are sick", I snapped. They looked at me wide-eyed. 


"How could you two do that to Y/N?!".

"What? What about Y/N?", Rose asked. 

"You two are idiots!", I yelled, "She's in love with Scorpius!!". Rose gasped and glanced at Scorpius who looked shocked.

"She likes me?", Scorpius whispered. 


"She does?".

"Yes Scorpius", I said, "Stop being stupid". Scorpius stiffly stood up. Rose looked at him surprised. 

"Where are you going?", Rose asked.

"To find Y/N", Scorpius replied. 

"Why? Don't you like me?", Rose asked. Scorpius tensed even more, before relaxing and shaking his head.

"No, you were just a distraction", Scorpius said. Rose's eyes filled with tears as Scorpius walked out of the library. I sighed trying to comfort Rose. 

Scorpius's POV

I ran down the halls trying to find Y/N. I can't believe I was so stupid. I caught a glimpse of h/c curls around the corner.

"Y/N!". She turned around and I noticed her eyes were red and puffy. 

"What do you want?", Y/N asked. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry", I said, "I didn't know".

"It's fine Scorpius", Y/N said as her eyes filled with tears, "You love Rose and I have to respect that".

"Y/N, I don't love Rose", I said, "I love you". The tears finally streamed down her face as her hands gripped her hair shaking her head frantically. 

"No", She whispered, "I don't believe you". I felt my heart break at how sad and broken her voice was. 

"Please, believe me, Y/N", I begged taking a step closer to her, "I love you. I always have. Rose was just a distraction, I swear". Y/N's expression was sad, broken, and disgusted. 

"Why would you use her as a distraction?", Y/N snapped, "What did she do to you?". She tried to push past me. I stopped her.

"It was a mistake, I know", I said, "But I just thought you wouldn't love me back". She shook her head.

"Let me go Scorp", She said.

"Please forgive me". 

"I can't this time". She shrugged my hand and walked away. 

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