Big Sister's Here (Lily Luna x Sister!Reader)

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A/N: You are Albus's twin sister; Y/N Minerva Potter-Weasley. This happens when you are 15 and Lily is 13. This will be in Lily's POV.

----Lily's Nightmare----

I ran down the street after Albus, Y/N, James, Rose, Teddy, and Scorpius. They turned around and their faces paled. I turned around and a death eater was behind me. 

"Accio Lily!", I heard Y/N say. I felt myself being pulled back towards them. The next thing I knew, I was behind  Teddy and James. Scorpius was standing in front of Albus and Y/N. They were arguing about something. 

"Rose! Look out!", James shouted. A death eater was behind her. Y/N shoved Rose out of the way and the death eater grabbed her. 

"Y/N!!", Scorpius and I shouted. I tried to run towards her but Albus held me back. Scorpius ran towards them only to be held back by Teddy. 

"Step any closer and you'll regret it", the death eater hissed as he held his wand to Y/N's neck. James ignored the death eater's threat and step forward.

"I warned you", the death eater said.

"Avada Kedavra". 

"No!". I watched in horror as Y/N's lifeless body hit the ground.


----End Of Nightmare----

I woke up panting and sweating. I sat up and looked over at Y/N's bed. 

"Lily, are you okay?", Y/N asked sitting up, "Why were you screaming?". I broke out crying. I heard shuffling and the next thing I know, Y/N's arms are around me hugging me tightly. I clung to her as if my body depended on it. She stroked my hair as I cried.

"I had a nightmare", I whimpered. Y/N looked down at me. 

"What was it about?". 

"A death eater was chasing us and one of them killed you".

"Oh Lily, you know there aren't death eater anymore".

"I know". There was a pause.

"Do you want me to sing you the song?", Y/N asked. 

"Please N/N", I said. She sighed before beginning to sing:

"I'm right here Lils", Y/N said when she finished, "I'm not going anywhere".

"That's a lie", I said, "You're going to Malfoy Manor tomorrow". She rolled her eyes. 

"Lily, Malfoy Manor doesn't count". 

"Yes, it does".

"Lily-", Y/N began.

"I don't understand why I have to share you with Scorpius too", I said.

"Lily, you've had to share me with our cousins, James, Albus, and Teddy", Y/N said.

"Mostly with Al, James, and Teddy", I added. 

"Exactly, so what's wrong with sharing me with Scorp too?".

"He always steals you".

"He's my boyfriend".

"He wouldn't be your boyfriend if I didn't help Al set you up".

"Shut up, Lily", Y/N said. She sat up to go over to her bed.

"Can you sleep here with me tonight?", I asked.

"Lily, my bed is 5 feet from yours", She pointed out.

"Please Big Sis", I said giving her my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine". She settled down next to me. I smiled and soon we fell asleep.











3rd Person

Ginny and Molly peeked into the girls' bedroom. 

"I wish I had a sister like Y/N when I was growing up", Ginny whispered.

"Bill and Charlie took turns comforting you when you were growing up", Molly replied, "Then the twins and Ron".

"Yeah, I know Mum", Ginny said, "I just kinda wish I wasn't the only girl sometimes".

"Ginny!", Molly whispered firmly.

"I'm kidding Mum", Ginny said. 

"You and Harry did well with Y/N", Molly said.

"Are you saying we didn't do a good job with our boys?", Ginny asked.

"No, I'm saying you did a terrible job with James".


"I'm only joking". 

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